"Nan Gong, what happened to you?"

As soon as the voice was spoken, Tunxi felt a huge force and blocked her actions.

She took a nap, her body was cold, and in the darkness, she looked up and immersed herself in the black, more dark eyes than the night when she couldn't see her fingers, and there was a feeling of creepyness in her heart.

The man in front of him is obviously Nangong, but it seems that he is not him.

Unfamiliar high pressure on the top, so that Weixi was frightened and instinctively wanted to struggle and scream.

However, the cold hand has already toughened all her movements, rough with a thin buckle to buckle her wrist, with obvious hegemony and possessive!

"Nan Gong Temple -!" The hustle and bustle of the brook is so abrupt in the dark.

The original dark eyes suddenly flashed, and Nangong’s eyes swept through a stretch of struggle, slowly dyed some ice blue.

"Xier...Xier...I am cold..." The low-pitched voice was full of uneasiness and loneliness. "Don't leave me in the stream, don't leave me alone!"

The heart of Tunxi seemed to be stabbed, and he reached out and hugged the man's cold body, and the water in his eyes was looming.

The cold poison attack, the fire into the magic, Nangong blink of an eye is on the verge of death, but she has no way.

Jade fire, the jade fire that is hard to find, why is it a failure?

Obviously her medical skills can save so many people, but why can't I save my favorite man?

In the heart of Tunxi, there was a desperate anger, holding a man's cold body tightly, as if there were endless grievances and unwillingness to vent.

She did not find that her body exudes a faint red glow, with a warm temperature.

Nangong Temple seems to suddenly find a way to save himself, and suddenly clasped the soft body of the girl under her body.

The messy and violent kiss fell, and the cold body was eager to find a source of warmth.

The sharp teeth bite the delicate skin between the necks, and the warm, sweet liquid flows into the tip of the tongue.

The body of Nangong Temple is stiff.

At the moment when the blood flowed through his throat, he felt the long-lost warmth.

It was as if he finally found a cockroach that could protect his life. It was as if the body had tortured him for more than a decade and the disappearance of the cold poison disappeared, as if he had got everything he wanted most in the world.

In the silent night, only the sound of sucking blood is left.

At the moment when the teeth pierced the skin, the creek felt a sense of chaos, and the eyes could no longer be opened.

Finally, I fell asleep.

In the dark night, Nangong Temple held up the body and held the comatose girl in her arms.

Even if it was dark, he could clearly see the girl's long eyelashes falling down, stained with crystal water drops.

Even in the dark, the soft white skin exudes a fascinating glimmer of light.

It is obvious that people have been so tightly held in their arms, but it is not enough. It is not enough. He wants more. He wants to keep this beautiful person forever and never let him go.

The hot palm covers the girl's smooth skin and wants to swallow her into the belly.

But there is always a voice in my heart saying, no! Not yet!

Nangong煜 bowed his head and put the girl tightly into his arms. The heavy and tired eyes slowly closed, but the hands did not loosen a trace, the dense protection, like the dragon guarding his own treasure, not allowing any People are jealous.

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