The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1453: Soul flying (seeking tickets)

"We are also students of the Divine Medical Office. You are just a student of the Divine Medical Office. Why do you care for us!"

One of the beautiful girls looks proud and said: "You'd better let me go. I just saw the unique contact signal of our Feng family. It is only available to the family and the elders. The people of our Feng family are now In this World of Warcraft forest, maybe the thunderclouds and abnormalities in the depths of the forest are also caused by our Feng family."

"At that time, the elders of our Feng family came and saw that you are so against me, I will never let you go!"

This girl is also a talented disciple of Fengjia's family. Although it is not as famous as Fenglian, but the talent is actually higher, it is the child of the Fengjia Grand Elder.

The elders of the Physician's Association had already despaired. At this time, when they heard the girl's words, they suddenly showed joy.

The Fengjia and the Physician Association are complementary to each other. If the big names of the Feng family really come to the World of Warcraft, then the Medical School can't handle them casually, let alone a district!

Several elders of the God's Medical Office looked at each other and their faces were a little hesitant.

After losing the glazed glazed ancestor, the strength of the Feng family has been reduced a lot, and the prestige is not as good as before. The deadly camel is bigger than the horse. If the Fengjia people really go out to the World of Warcraft, the medical hospital and their dead bars will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Just screaming, suddenly several people rushed in this direction.

Accompanied by hoarse and excitement, and a strong **** smell.

The people of the God's Medical Office followed the precepts. When the Qingxiu girl named Feng in the pilot branch saw the appearance of the people, she suddenly exclaimed: "That is the three elders and the nine elders!"

Later, she immediately overjoyed. "You see no, that is the elders of our Feng family, and they are all in the Yuan Ying period. If you are acquainted, you will let me go! Otherwise, my Feng family’s army will arrive, never Let go of you..."

The girl’s words have not been finished, and suddenly there are several black shadows flashing behind them.

Later, the people of the Gods Medical Office watched one of the elders of the Feng family, a warrior of the Yuan Ying period, who was caught by the shoulders and torn into two halves.

The flesh and blood and the internal organs splashed, and one paw caught the heart of the broken body and swallowed it into the belly.

The people of the God's Medical Office looked at this scene in a dull way, and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Save me... save me... is a monster, fast... save..."

Another elder of the Feng family screamed desperately to escape in their direction.

However, before he ran a few steps, he was once again caught by another monster. The same body was torn apart, and the heart and Dantian were swallowed.

For a time, a dead silence in the dim forest, everyone even blocked their breath.

Looking at the way the monsters approached slowly, watching the blood of the monsters still licking their lips, they almost scared away.

Zeng Shouyue was also full of dignity, and suddenly blocked the people in the desert medical branch.

Wicked beasts, a lot of monsters, and almost all of them are more than seven, and even eight and nine, and there are hidden World of Warcraft.

The seven-level monster can fight the warriors in the middle and late Yuan Ying, what about the eight and nine?

Zeng Shouyue can't imagine that if these monsters want to do it to them, these students and elders can live and escape a few.

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