The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1455: Oath to allegiance?

However, the elders of the Physician Association and the students of the Pilot Branch recognized the man at a glance.

"President -!" The elders of the Physician's Association rose straight and looked up. Even though the silk on their bodies had not been unlocked, they were still excited to bow down.

It turned out that the sandstorm was caused by the president, in order to save them.

"The great grace of the president, we have no teeth to forget!"

"As long as the president is going to tell us, we are going to go to the fire."

Even the people in the pilot branch were happy to thank Lu Xuyang, watching his eyes full of reverence.

This is the president of the Physician Association, the legendary figure known as the first person in the physician.

It is so lucky that they can be saved by such people.

The only thing in the audience is still comatose, ignorant, only Lu Yan alone.

Lu Xuyang's look was mild, and his pale face looked weak and thin in the setting sun, but no one found that his eyes flashed with a faint glow of extinction.

He walked slowly to the elders of one of the physician associations, crouched down, and tried to raise him. The mouth was gentle: "Do you really want to do anything for me?"

"Of course, the president's help for us, we have no teeth to remember!" The elder was first treated so kindly by the president, and his body suddenly trembled.

Lu Xuyang smacked his mouth, and the greedy glory of his eyes flashed past and slowly said: "Since you have such awareness, it would be great."

The words were not finished yet, and the elders of the Physician Association suddenly opened their eyes and showed a terrified expression.

It was only then that he discovered that Lu Xuyang’s hand was attached to his dantian.

There is a powerful force that is drawing spiritual strength and vitality from his dantian.


He made a shout of hoarseness and screaming, his eyes were full of incredulity, and he was desperately urging Dantian to run, trying to take back the lost spiritual power and vitality.

However, when it was too late, he could clearly feel that his skin was a little wrinkled, his flesh and blood were sucked away, and his body became dry and cold.

What the elders finally saw was that Lu Xuyang smiled and stood up, and the original pale face was a bit more rosy.

And he himself became a dry corpse, slamming on the ground, dead and transparent.

For a time, everyone was shocked.

They looked at this scene incredulously. Someone screamed for a long while: "President Lu, you... what are you doing?"

Lu Xuyang opened his own clothes and looked at it. The huge wound that appeared after being attacked by Nangong Temple was really better under the nourishment of vitality.

He smiled with satisfaction, his eyes swept over the crowd, and smiled faintly: "Don't you say that you want to pledge allegiance to me? Now, your chances are coming!"

"Lu Xuyang, you...what did you learn from the evil demon law? If you take the vitality of others, are you afraid of being condemned?"

"President, how can you be so to us? We are your most loyal men!"

The mild smile on Lu Xuyang's face suddenly became awkward and fierce. When the hand was lifted, one of the elders couldn't help but vacate and was caught in his hands. "If you don't blame it, if it is not so heavy, The wounds can't heal themselves, and I won't think of using you to nourish my wounds and Dantian."

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