The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1661: Old woman (question ticket)

The silver fox only glanced at it, but sneered: "Do you think that in our enchantment, there are people who can start the transmission array? But it is the control of the array of dragons."

There was no frost in the building and it suddenly reacted. This is hiding in the secret of the Fenglong domain.

In the eyes of the silver fox, the light of Sen Han was revealed: "Hey, do you think that the pattern left by a distracted warrior in the district can block me? You are too naive! Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me. You're welcome!"

The voice just fell, and he had a powerful spiritual power in his hand. He only heard a loud bang, and the mountain was collapsed in half.

A huge entrance appeared, on the other side of the entrance, it was a fiery world - burning heaven.

In the Fenglong domain control room, Tunxi looked at the people in the prism who walked into the burning world. Shen Sheng said: "Xiaolong, I am going to burn the heavens and introduce them into the center. When they completely enter the burning world, you Is it possible to start the enchantment closure and then detonate the entire burning environment?"

Xiao Jinlong has now become the appearance of Xiaolong, nodding his head: "The boss is assured, even if the burning of the environment can not hurt the silver fox, at least let those guys in the Yuan Ying period, all dead and transparent. Just a pity before The dragon field left by the owner..."

Tunxi touched the dragon's head, and his body appeared in front of the silver fox and the building without frost.

When I saw the brook in the building, I immediately gave a sharp smile. "Hey, have you finally come out? If you don't come out, we don't mind razing this secret land! You'd better know each other, you will be stunned, otherwise, I will let you live without asking for death!"

"Let me ask for a life without asking for death? Can you use your disgusting mites?"

Tunxi raised his eyebrows and looked at the frost-free eyes of the building filled with contempt. "Old devil, you have maintained a beautiful look with aphids, and you still have to go to marry young men, so kinky~ shameless, Do you want to shame? When is the day, the locust **** up your sperm, guess you will become a dry corpse, or a wrinkled old woman?"

When Tunxi came to this world, he suffered a lot of locust losses, so this time has been studied.

When the building was frost-free and used spiritual power, she felt that the aphids that were raised in the frost-free body of the building maintained a special metabolism and made the building look frosty and young. This kind of beauty can be paid for in the end. Therefore, these words by Tunxi are equivalent to directly poking the painful feet of the building.

"贱人, what do you say?!!" Sure enough, the floor without frost sent a hysterical scream, the reason was almost completely lost, and rushed straight toward the river, "You dare to call me the old witch! I want to take you this贱人碎尸万段!"

The pace at the foot of Tunxi is swaying like a phantom, and the body is sometimes solid and sometimes illusory.

The frost-free repair of the building was obviously much higher than her, but she couldn’t help her for a while.

Because of the retreat of Tunxi and the frost-free attack of the building, the people of the building, including the silver fox and the Lushan Mountain, all followed in.

However, this distance is not enough. I have to go a little further and get closer.

All the patience of the building without frost finally warned that a dark red jade card appeared in the hand.

Under her spiritual power, the jade card suddenly became bigger, and it was a strong pressure to cover the sky.

The silver fox frowned and bitten his teeth: "This woman actually used the different treasures, killed the cockroaches, lost the origin of the wood, did she take care of it?"

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