Unfamiliar touch, the red man couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows, and there seemed to be a glimmer of interest in his eyes.

He suddenly reached out and hugged the unconscious girl with his hands, but his eyes slowly rose and fell not far away.

There, the ghost shadow flickered, and soon there was a scene on the top of Cangshan.

The diffuse black air covers the sky, the frozen world is lonely and cold, and the **** killing is a red dress, cruel and ruthless Nangong Temple.

"Do you have a fate? Because it is the destiny of heaven, can you wake him up? Can he let him break free of my embarrassment and wake up?"

The red man bowed his head and gently stroked the cheek of the girl in the arms. The voice was soft and gentle, with a slight smile. "But the most unbelief is my destiny!"

"Since Tian Ming said that you are destined to be his, then I would like to take it over! I really want to take a look. Someday, he will find out what kind of expression will he be when his loved one belongs to me completely?"

"As long as I think about the day, I feel that the days will not be so boring."

Said, the red man touched the hand of the girl's cheek and gently moved to the position of the chest.

A strange mindfulness fell into the girl's body and directly invaded the heart.

The colorful light shook in the girl's Dantian, as if to stop anything.

However, even the most powerful wood spirit, the man who touched the red man's mind, is like a ruin.

Seeing, the mourning will be entangled in the heart of the girl.

Suddenly, a glaring glare burst out from the girl.

In the sea of ​​lava, which was originally isolated from the world, this independent space suddenly violently oscillated, and everything in the space began to distort.

For the first time, the red man’s face showed a shocked expression.

The next moment, in the void next to the two, a huge crack seemed to be torn.

A strong suction came from the crack, pulling the red man and the girl to the crack.

Time and space —— gap -!

The red man’s heart skipped a trace of incredible speculation, and then he could no longer support it, holding the Tunxi River swallowed up by the crack.

The glare disappeared, and the original turbulent and distorted space was restored.

The same lava is boiling, the same flame tongue is curling, and the two people who have disappeared are like never before.


Yanjing City, here is the world of ice, all things in the heavens and the earth, as if they are covered in a hoarfrost.

The long dark night gradually passed, and the dark clouds of the sky slowly dissipated. On the eastern sky, the shallow white belly was revealed.

That is the rising sun of Dongsheng, a sign of dawn.

Suddenly, all the frost melts like a little bit of sunshine, evaporates into water vapor, and dissipates in the air.

In just a few short distances, the Yanjing City, which was originally in a static state, was revived by the snow-covered Yanjing City, full of vitality.

In the palace of Pluto.

Zeng Shouyue opened his eyes fiercely, as if he could still feel the chill of his body.

He looked around and saw that the students at the branch of the Wild Medical Branch were also looking blank and looked at the companions around.

As if everything had not changed in the slightest, it seemed as if everything had changed.

Wei Chengyuan and Jin Zeyu were frozen at the doorway.

They were still arguing with the warriors who blocked the place here, and they wanted to see what happened to the palace of the King of the Kings.

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