Jin Zeyu stood silently listening and did not speak.

In the past few days, he has heard too much crying and felt the suffocation of sorrow.

He will never forget, and when he confirms that he is dead, his utter disappointment and despair, it seems that the life goal that was originally difficult to find, at this moment, collapsed.

Everyone in the Waste Medicine Branch collapsed. They cried hysterically. They frantically excavated Cangshan. They simply did not believe that the amazing girl was really dead.

Everyone was crying, sinking outside Yanjing City, and smashing the cracked mask of the valley wind.

Shen's little princess fell into a pool of blood, crying and tearing heart, until the fainting past, was taken away by Shen Sen.

Yanjing’s day and night, from the great joy to the extreme sorrow, it took only a few hours, but for them, it took a lifetime to slowly forget and slowly heal.

Xuan Qing real people drank a glass of wine, and suddenly sneered, biting his teeth: "Law home, Ivy family, good! You dare to kill me, I want you all blood money to pay!"

After that, I didn’t wait for Jin Zeyu to return, and my figure quickly disappeared into the air.

Jin Zeyu closed his eyes and waited until he opened it again. The pain in his eyes had been quietly hidden, and he was unified in order to be persistent.

He will become stronger, and everyone in their abandoned hospital will become stronger.

Because it is weak, it can't be guarded, so it can only be lost.

They will one day be strong enough to guard everything that is cherished.

One day, they must reclaim the **** debts of today from the high-end scum of the upper bounds.

Hey, you are in the sky, please be sure to bless us.


On a remote island in the Siam mainland, there is a quaint palace.

At this time, the owner of the palace, a man wearing a purple-gold dragon robes, was looking at a crystal ball with great interest.

In the crystal ball, a golden dragon with a **** twists the body, floats in it, and falls into a coma.

On the other side, it is a projection that floats in the void.

In the projection, the scenes that appear are constantly changing, there is a burning fire, there are thousands of miles of glaciers, there are rushes of vegetation, and there are desert yellow sands.

These scenes, which were already damaged, have not been repaired at this time, but they are constantly being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If you are here, you can definitely recognize it at a glance. These transformed scenes are exactly what she is.

The burning environment and the green wood that were originally damaged by the war and the explosion were being repaired a little bit, and the surviving Zhenweijun and Zhou Yan'an and others were sleeping in the repaired water moon mirror.

The elegant man in purple gold robes swept over the projections and eventually fell on the dragon in the crystal ball. He shook his head like a funny smile. "I didn't expect that the golden dragon would be so emotional." When is it?"

"What kind of new owner is recognized, it can make you so desperate. It makes me a former owner, I am a little embarrassed!"


On the early ninth of September, this is a day that the people of the mainland will never forget.

On this day, the most powerful **** of war in Nanao was degraded, and the talented Shengdetang Shaodong family disappeared.

The medical palace of God was completely reorganized because of the death of the cockroach. The people of the ruins of the ruins of the hospital changed from the tail of the crane to the elite. Under the leadership of Jin Zeyu, they stood at the peak of the medical hospital.

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