Nangong Temple, Eggs, Xiaochi, Xiaolong, Guliufeng, Ouyang Haoxuan... all the lovers and relatives who lost their lives because of me.

I swear, even if I have exhausted my life, I will let you live a complete life.

Under the feathers of the little red bird, the skin is red and red, and some of them are tweaked. The bottom of the heart only feels sweet and incomparably comfortable. But on the face, it looks like a disdain. "Cut, this bird just doesn't want the space to collapse and he is dead inside. I am not worried about your life and death!"


A thunder fell from the sky and hit the little red bird. It scared it and screamed into it.

That timid and shivering look, where is the look of the past?

He smacked his mouth and revealed his first smile after waking up.

The original space of the thunder bursts, slowly clearing, and the water in the nine ghost springs slowly filled.

If you live, it means that the space will be slowly repaired and resurrected.

At this moment, I really appreciate the little bird in the arms, so that she is not alone at this time.


I have been immersed in meditation for a moment.

The little red bird did not deceive anyone. From the records and pictures on the record of all things, 90% of the green and green seeds given to her by Nangong Temple may be the fruit of the floating.

The fruit of the floating tortoise is the treasure of the world. It can enrich the gods and souls of the people, and the speed of practicing spells and advancement is much higher than that of others. In fact, in essence, it is a baby who can greatly improve people's talents.

But this is not the true effect of the fruit of the floating butt, the fruit of the floating can store a magical energy called the power of the bubbling.

The power of the Buddhism is a kind of mind and belief produced by the heart. That is to say, when the owner of the fruit of the Futu receives the true gratitude and trust of a person, the power of the Buddhism will slowly accumulate.

There are many uses of the power of the Buddhism, but I haven't looked at it. She only made sure that the power of the Buddhism can be transformed into a soul force, repairing and even regenerating the missing three souls and seven souls.

Whether it is the valley wind and armor that has been completely dead, or the small pool and eggs that have been seriously injured, they all burn their own souls and use powerful energy. Therefore, if you want to wake them up, you must repair the missing souls. complete.

He took a deep breath and his fingers tapped at his fingertips, and a drop of blood fell on the blue-green seeds.

In an instant, the runes on the surface of the floating fruit suddenly lit up, from the original pale gold to the bright red.

The body trembled slightly, and the eyes burst into a pleasant glow.

At this moment, she felt the familiar soul fluctuations, warm, inclusive, and beloved, as if they were far apart and close.

This kind of fluctuation disappeared after a short time.

It’s ecstatic or ecstatic. This kind of volatility means that Nangong Temple can really live. He has not disappeared and has been with him.

However, I don’t know, at the moment when her blood dripped into the fruit of the floating butt, in the distant time and space, sitting high in the holy chair, the look of indifference, the arrogant man suddenly stood up suddenly, his eyes flashed A deep pain and confusion looked at the distance, and after a long time, slowly recovered the usual appearance. Surprisingly, the subordinates who were reporting were thinking that they had done something wrong, and that they were almost squatting on the ground and asking for forgiveness.

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