Stables, ant thorns, stalks.... These are all functions that can fight inflammation and cure wounds.

Xiaonuo squatted with his big eyes and looked at the sly move. Then he carefully said: "Miss sister, are you eating these grass because you are hungry? But these grasses are very hard to eat. I will take you to pick the wild grasses. All right……"

When Xiaonuo’s words were not finished, he suddenly stuffed a piece of cut leather into the mouth of Xiaonuo’s half.

A sweet taste spread out between the lips and teeth, Xiaonuo couldn't help but chew, and then the eyes were all bright.

It’s delicious, what the sister gave, it’s delicious!

He handed the remaining half of the radish to Xiaonuo, watching the little guy gorging, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

The plants here are really rich. In this small area, she actually found radishes, Chinese cabbage and potatoes. Only people here are not sure that the roots or stems of these plants can be eaten.

I was planning to dig up the vegetables here, and suddenly I looked at my chest and looked down at my chest.

There was a blue-green seed hanging there. When Xiaonuo ate the whole radish, the seeds suddenly became hot and there was a shimmer of light that only 奚玥 could see.

I can feel the power of the buoys in the floating fruit, adding a touch.

Although, the power of the buoy, the amount needed to repair the soul is simply a slap in the face, but I am still very happy.

Even with the attitude towards Xiaonuo, the attitude is getting better and better.

The herbs were quickly cooked, and Xiaonuo looked at the black stuff and stuck it on the wound of the little brother. The whole face was wrinkled together.

Miss Sister said that this is to treat the younger brother, but when they were treated by witch doctors, have they never used such a method? And that black thing is so disgusting.

However, by the next day, Xiaonuo was shocked.

Because the little brother's original ulcerated wound, after a day of medicine, actually began to heal.

The original pale face, after pouring black medicinal juice, slowly became rosy.

This time, Xiaonuo’s eyes were even more admired, and Picakaka’s light was like looking at the omnipotent god.

Miss Sister is so powerful, it is even better than the witch doctors of their tribe.

The cockroach picks up the boiled medicine, and will still hold up the sleeping child, slowly pouring the medicine into his mouth.

While filling the medicine, I was looking at this strange boy.

Although the teenagers are now full of scars, but the skin that is not injured is not soft.

Especially the hands, slender and slender, the phalanx is distinct, and the light looks like it is a white jade carving.

This boy should be used to pampering. Even the oversized red robe on his body was carefully examined. He could not see what the material was.

Why is such a teenager saving himself? Why is it happening to me?

Just thinking, he suddenly felt a tight hand, a huge, as if to crush the strength of her bones from the wrist.

He bowed his head and was stunned by a pair of dark and dark eyes.

These eyes should be extremely beautiful, and the eyes are like jade, black and white. However, looking into it, it seems to have seen the bottomless abyss, making people shudder.

Sen Han’s breath spread out from the juvenile, and the temperature in the entire room seemed to drop several degrees.

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