Hey? The boy shook his head slightly, hey, he remembered the name.


In the next few days, he has been recovering from the valley, and Xiaonuo has been playing with his beggars and secretly studying.

I have a good impression on this skinny girl, and she is so bitter, but she can save her and her unknown.

Oh, yes, I gave the amnesia boy a name called Unknown.

When the little red bird heard the name, he looked at it for a long time. It reminded me of the egg in the space, the little taurus, the little golden dragon, and the ability of the gimmick to take the name could not bear to look straight.

Suddenly thinking of his name "Little Red", the uncle of the bird immediately screamed and licked his feathers! It is called a little red, and it is now used to listening to it, this day has never been sent.

The young man was very calm. After hearing that Xiaonuo and her mother thought that he and her sister were brothers and sisters, he used to give his name a slogan.

Unknown, the teenager meditated on these three words, and there was a strange light shining in his eyes.

On the grass in front of the cabin, he was patiently teaching Professor Xiaonuo to collect medicine, and to identify the knowledge of herbs and food.

Xiaonuo was hungry and thirsty. He kept writing and drawing on the sand table that he made temporarily. He occasionally looked up and looked at his eyes full of reverence and gratitude.

Not far away, I was sitting idle under a tree and looking at the distance quietly.

The young man's mouth with a smile, wearing a large red robes, the breeze smashed, blowing his silky long black hair, against the flying red, far away, like a painting is beautiful.

However, when I look at it, I will find that there are many scars on the face of the boy, such as destroying the beautiful things and making them look so glaring.

Suddenly, the little red bird fanned its wings and landed on the tree at the top of the unknown head, staring at the bird's head and looking at him.

This person exudes a terrible breath, it does not like it, because inexplicable will feel fear. But this fear is flashing away and will soon disappear.

"Hey~" The little red bird opened his mouth and shouted, condescending, as if he was examining and warning.

The boy suddenly shouted in the distance: "Hey, is this your bird?"

I haven't answered yet, the little red bird has been angry: "Hey ~ ~" you are raised, Laozi is a bird, Lao Tzu will not yield to anyone! Humph!

Although I can't understand the buzz, I can see what this little red bird looks like.

So I smiled and shook my head.

The boy "oh", then looked up and looked at the bird standing between the trees at the top of his head. "So, can I bake it and eat it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the little red bird suddenly showed a look of horror, and the wings of the flapper would flee.

However, the bottom is like a powerful force, dragging it down.

After the interest rate, "砰", the little red bird fell in the arms of the unknown, and was lifted up with wings.

"Hey--!! Help, little girl came to save me, this metamorphosis wants to bake me, he will really bake me!" The little red bird screamed and screamed, no longer want to hide himself. Speaking, the harsh voice almost rushed to the sky. "How do you say this is your savior? You can't help you with your heart and lungs!"

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