The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1704: Apprentice (question ticket)

When I saw it, the woman seemed to make up her mind, and she slammed it to the ground, and she muttered to her pleadingly: "Miss, I have something to ask you!"

"It’s not awkward, this valley is already unsafe. Someone may come over tomorrow. Miss Yu, I know that you are a capable person. I want to ask you. When you leave, you can bring my daughter Xiaonuo together. Take it away?"

"Mother-!!" Xiaonuo rushed to the hand of the woman and cried, "Why, why are you rushing me away? Don't you want to be a child?"

The woman barely pulled out her smile and wiped away the tears on her daughter's face. She said softly: "Small promise, mother is not for you, but you are sick, and Miss Yan's medical skills are very bright, you can follow her." I am sick. Waiting for you to get cured and come back to your mother, is it good?"

The brows of her brows were tighter, but she looked at the woman’s sorrowful but decisive look, but she did not speak.

The woman said again: "Isn't you always liked your sister, Xiaonuo? I also said that I want to learn from her and become as good as my sister. Don't you want to follow your sister?"

The woman said this, Xiaonuo hesitated.

She really likes 奚玥 and is very admired. Even she dreamed that she could be like a witch doctor in the village and his disciples.

If you can follow the sister-in-law to learn the skills, and then learn to come back to take care of the mother and help the people in the family, it would be great.

Xiaonuo’s gaze is awkward, “Oh sister, I... can I be your apprentice?”

He was silent for a moment and nodded and smiled: "Yes!"

"Wow, that's great!" Xiaonuo screamed excitedly. "Master, Master, Xiaonuo has a master!"

What she remembered, immediately rushed to the table and took a bowl of water with a broken bowl, bowed respectfully to the ground, and handed it to the front of the donkey. "Master please drink tea!"

The little red bird stunned the bird's head with a look of disdain. The little girl with such a small girl actually received a mortal apprentice. Also used to break the bowl to respect Master, hey, just lost.

When you drink the wine, you go back and pack your luggage.

When I used to have a storage ring, I didn't feel that I was in trouble. But now I can't use my spiritual power. It’s really a waste of time to pack up my bags.

Herbs, food, cold fur and clothes are things that I couldn't see before, but they all have to be on my back here.

Fortunately, she still has the unknown labor, a large bag of things, and I feel heavy when I carry it. The boy is on his back, but it seems that there is no feeling.

In the room, Xiaonuowo was in the mother's arms, tears were hanging in the corner of her eyes, her hands clasped to the woman's waist and fell asleep.

Suddenly, in the next room, one lying on the bed, a squatting squat with the ground and an unknown open eyes, looking out the window.

Far away, there are well-known footsteps of Sosso, and there should be at least a dozen people listening to the sound.

The movement of "吱嘎" 惊 awake the woman who had not slept.

When I heard someone say that someone came over, she immediately panicked and nervously stunned Xiaonuo, who was squinting at her eyes, into her arms. "Miss Yan, hurry, please take Xiaonuo away, don't go. It’s too late.”

I took over Xiaonuo, but did not leave, but looked at the darkness in the distance. "Who is coming, why are you so panicked?"

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