Many patients were suffocated and they felt that their lives had come to an end and they had given up hope.

This is no longer the first person that the witch doctor sacrificed to the gods.

Before Xiaonuo, the witch doctor also sacrificed several healthy boys and girls in the tribe. Every time they were full of hope, but in the end they could only be more desperate.

But there are also a few people who are slightly ill, looking at the direction of the altar, eager to see a miracle this time.

They are still young and don't want to die!

The witch doctor wore a formal costume of the gods, and he sang something in his mouth while dancing around the altar.

On the altar, tied with a sly woman, dressed in red, painted a spell on her face, it was the slave who was used as a sacrifice.

Anu’s mother stood by the patriarch and almost fainted when she cried.

After the sacrifice dance ended, the witch doctor threw a handful of torches in his hand. In a flash, the firewood piled up under Anu was burning.

"Please ask for your anger, please take away your sacrifice and let the curse disappear from our tribe..."

The words of the witch doctor have not finished yet. Suddenly, a dazzling purple light flashed through the air.

Anu made a scream, and the whole person took the lead with the master who tied her up and finally landed on the ground.

"What happened?"

"Who is it, who dares to destroy the sacrifice?"

The eyes of the people looked in the direction of Anu.

I saw that behind her, a person slowly walked out, the cold eyes swept over the crowd, and then the corner of the mouth outlined a mocking arc.

This is a 17-year-old girl.

The skin is white and slim, as if it is no different from ordinary girls.

However, all the people of the Cangda tribe had their eyes wide open, and even the breathing was slightly rushed, and even some people took a breath.

There is no reason for this, because the girl in front of me is really beautiful.

The eyebrows are like mountains, the skin is like condensed snow, the ink is like a waterfall, and the lips are not point and Zhu.

She just stood there, no need to laugh, no need to move, can make the mountains and rivers eclipse, so that the sun and the moon are difficult to compete.

Many people in the Cangda tribe have been to the city of Tohu. They have also seen the daughter of the city's fascinating and charming. The woman who once felt that such a beautiful woman, in front of this girl, is like a stone than a pearl, completely lost its brilliance.

The first one who came back to God was Anu. "Hey, you... how are you here? I told you not to come back? You are going, go!"

He looked calm and said: "I promised Xiaonuo, I will take you back."

Anu first was a glimpse, and then the tears fell down. "Hey, let's go, as long as I can let Xiaonuo live well, I am satisfied. I... I can't go. I am the mother of Xiaonuo. It is also a tribe, a daughter of aunt, and the tribe raised me. I can't watch the tribes die, watching my people die one by one."

"Oh, let me beg you, let's go!"

He chuckled a little and didn't answer Anu's words, but looked away.

Soon, everyone saw that a tall man, holding a seven-year-old boy, slowly walked onto the altar.

Seeing men and boys, many people in the crowd seem to see ghosts, and they stare at each other in horror.

The man is Cullen and his son Qi.

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