The girl staggered a few steps in the hot spring, but the pace became more and more heavy, and the two beautiful appearances seemed to be scorned because of the pain in the body.

She slowly groped to the shore, and Ji Mingyu held her breath and looked at her. Suzaku and Qinglong did not dare to stand in the same place, and bowed their heads.

However, Suzaku couldn't help but raise his eyes and secretly peek.

Seeing that the girl was about to walk to the shore, suddenly the body was violently stunned, and then she fell down to the rock on the side of the bath in front.

"Be careful -!" Suzaku screamed subconsciously, almost as a red light to save the girl.

However, some people are faster than her.

At the moment when the white light flashed, Ji Mingyu had already appeared in front of the fallen girl, picking her up and holding it into her arms.

Suzaku shook his mouth slightly, and the shock in his eyes was almost overflowing.

The master even hugged a woman, or was it a wet woman? God, will the Siamese mainland be destroyed tomorrow? Is the **** domain overturned? This is absolutely impossible!

Qinglong also raised his head and flashed a strange light in his eyes.

Just the moment I saw the girl, in addition to being amazing, he had an indescribable feeling of closeness. As if, do not want to hurt her, do not want to see her pain.

However, he obviously does not know this girl?

Qinglong shook his head and shook the confused thoughts. Then he looked at Ji Ming, and carefully asked: "The master, this girl, will I still go to the torture hall?"

Ji Ming's cold eyes glanced at him and turned to go to his bedroom.

Suzaku and Qinglong, under the stimuli of the gaze, immediately bowed their heads and waited in the same place, and sent the master to leave.


When I woke up again, I only felt that the whole body was sore, and the internal organs seemed to be distorted.

She still remembers that when she woke up for the first time, she was in a pool. At that time, she was full of heat and should be a hot spring pool.

She originally wanted to leave the hot spring pool to find out where this was, where the little red bird and the unknown were, but suddenly felt a huge sense of dizziness, accompanied by the pain of the internal organs twisted.

This is a side effect of distorting time and space. The space transmission array itself needs the protection of the array, otherwise the body of the ordinary warrior can not bear the kind, the space jumps and folds.

The two times of time and space that I experienced, it is almost contrary to the common sense of the laws of heaven and earth. If it is not necessary to protect the mustard space, she has been torn in the cracks of time and space.

This is the case, the sequelae brought after the end of the shuttle, or let her faint, and when I wake up again, I am here.

奚玥 Difficult to get up and look around, while running the spiritual power, conditioning the body of her body, the trembling of the internal organs.

Fortunately, here is no longer the primitive world without the spiritual power of the wild continent. Dan Tian is really invigorating, and the pure spiritual power immediately penetrates into the body, making her feel uncomfortable and undisturbed, twisting time and space. The aftereffects brought about are also dissipated.

Everything in the room was eye-catching, and I was so surprised that I narrowed my eyes.

Here is an empty room. Everything in the room is worth the price. If you don’t admit it, the celadon lotus pot and the lotus flower that is placed on the case and the material used in the celadon lotus pot are not far away. It is a fine jade porcelain that can't be found in the mainland of Jurassic, and that lotus flower can not find a strain of seven products in the Fenglong domain.

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