The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1731: Endless (question ticket)

Moreover, she actually said that she would go, damn, and he would not hesitate to lift her feet! She thought that they were all delivered to the door, but could they just walk away?

In the blink of an eye, there was also a trace of irritability and gloom.

The man’s voice and Nangong’s voice are too similar. Every time he speaks, he will be upset and unable to maintain his intellectual thoughts.

She sank her face: "If I have to go?"

The ice in Ji Ming is even worse. With a wave of his hand, he only listens to a few loud noises.

In the palace room, the originally opened doors and windows were closed in an instant, and a layer of glittering array of light was attached.

The man opened his mouth coldly, "You can try it!"

This time, I am dumbfounded.

These gates look at the material and are expensive to no friends. Even if there is no attachment method above, it is estimated that it may not be able to open with her slight repair. What's more, there is a layer that is complicated to see her faint.

He took a deep breath and pressed the irritability in his heart.

good very good! Since she can't go, she won't leave now.

He walked back to the case and took a cup of tea and tea from his own hands.

The tea at the entrance is still warm, and the tea is lingering between the lips and the nose. This is another rare and rare tea variety.

However, the skill of tea cooking and the final tea cooking is a bit worse, which is a waste of the taste of this tea.

Ji Mingying looked at her movements in the clouds and calmly calmed her eyes.

For so many years, this is the first girl who can not fight in front of him, and even leisurely can see him as nothing.

His cultivation nowadays has long since surpassed the heavens and humans. Even if the body does not deliberately distribute the pressure, the ordinary monks will feel the fear of pressure in the side of him. Not to mention, this girl is only in the Golden Age, and even the monks are not.

After drinking a cup of tea, I looked at Ji Ming, and said: "Can you say it now? Who are you? What do you want to leave me and want to do?"

Ji Ming’s brows provoke a tiny arc and put it on others. This look is still cold.

But I saw the ridicule from the subtle expression of this man. "I want to play this trick well and play well."

Hey: "........." Is this person sick?

Ji Mingqi walked slowly to the front of the donkey. The slender hand gently pinched her chin, forced her sight, and confronted the dark, cold scorpion. "Say? Who sent you?"

Frowning, I want to avoid the cold fingers, but the man is just loose, but she can't escape no matter how hard she struggles.

At this time, I realized that this man seems to have misunderstood something.

She took a deep breath and tried to explain in a calm tone: "I don't know what you mean, but I really fell on your site inadvertently. I am sorry to disturb you. But You and I have nothing to do with it. If you really think that I have any purpose, wouldn’t it be nice to throw me out here?"

Ji Mingqi raised his mouth and his eyes lit up with a cluster of stars. "Your master, you should be proud. For so many years, you are the first woman to interest me."

"You are finished!" He was angry. "I said that I was accidentally falling here. Do you think I want to come to your ghost place?"

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