Suzaku smiled and smiled. "I and Qinglong, seeing it with your own eyes, are you saying that it is true?"

Hearing the words of Suzaku, the white tiger and several of his eyes behind him were burning, and he was calm and chaotic, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Their homeowners have lived alone in this world for so many years, and now they have finally opened up? Willing to find a woman to accompany me? !

The white tiger is even more excited to spin in the same place, even the official business does not want to deal with it, "I am really curious, in the end what kind of woman can make our heart and soul the heart of the heart? I still remember that a family put their first beauty Sent up, it is said that it is the most suitable yin physique for yin and yang, but the master did not even look at it, so he was thrown out. Hahaha... I am really more and more curious, it is better to go first. Look at the woman?"

Qinglong lightly coughed, cold and cold: "If you want to die, you can try it."

The 30-whip criminal law on his body is still aching pain! This is not an ordinary whip, but a slap in the face of the sorcerer's soul.

When I heard the Qinglong, the white tiger immediately slammed down, and the other excited and curious people also converge.

Chaos looked around and couldn't help but frowned. "What?"

梼杌 (táowù) snorted and said: "This guy must go where to eat and drink! Unless the master calls, this guy will always be a top priority."

When she thought of the way she used to eat outside on weekdays, Suzaku groaned and couldn't help but frowned.

He is one of the four most ferocious beasts. He is violent and gluttonous. He can eat more than just food, and maybe even fresh and delicious human flesh. There were many people in the temple who did not have long eyes and provoked the beast, and they were all swallowed.

Hey, shouldn't it be possible to catch up with it?


Followed by two maids, walked leisurely in the strange temple, and the gods swept through the various places and positions from time to time, keeping them in mind.

Her spiritual power was blocked, but there was no knowledge of God. The two maids behind me also knew what she was doing, but they didn't stop it. In the eyes of the two maids, it was just a warrior in the Golden Age, and it was impossible to leave the temple on their own. And if they take the shot, they will be able to settle in minutes.

This shrine does not seem to be a big one. The shape is more like an ancient palace. You can see the high walls of the temple and the clouds outside.

However, I really walked in the meantime, only to find that it was just a blind eye, and the real area of ​​the temple was terrible. I suspect that if I don't move my spells, it is impossible to go through the temple in a day.

As I walked and memorized the terrain, I suddenly heard the smell of meat.

She was puzzled in her heart and couldn't help but walk in the direction of the smell.

Soon, turning a corner, far away, I saw a burning fire in the corner of the temple, a burning fire was built on the fire, and there was a full five. The beast legs of the size of a six-year-old child are standing on the fire and are constantly reversing.

Because the burning of the oil makes a squeaking sound, but it seems that the fire is too much, so a large piece of the epidermis is scorched.

However, what is most shocking is that.

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