Another reason is that Lien Chan is not willing to admit it.

The body shape and voice of Ji Mingxi are too similar to Nangong Temple. The kind of person who is like a beloved is around, but the blink of an eye has lost pain, she can't bear it.

Seeing that the attitude is firm, the little red bird sighed and the body began to emit red light.

Soon, in the dark night sky, there was a faint golden rune wrapped in red light. As the red light shrinks, this golden rune seems to have been swallowed up, silently disappearing into the red light.

He took a deep breath and reached for the red light, as if the pain of squeezing her hand bones surged up, making her face pale.

But she did not hesitate, and stepped into the red light.

However, her footsteps have not yet taken off, and suddenly a huge force came from behind, pulling her whole person to the ground and imprisoning in her arms.

He was shocked and stunned. When he looked up and saw the cold eyes of Ji Ming, who seemed to devour the eyes of the people, his face suddenly became pale.

However, just for a moment, she calmed down and looked up at the man without showing her weakness. "You have already discovered me?"

Ji Ming’s voice was so cold and cold, as if with an infinite sigh of coldness, “Do you think you can run away?”

When the light was sinking, the cold light flashed in the hand, and the silver needle at the fingertips turned into countless light and shadows to attack the man in front of him.

Ji Ming’s head leaned back slightly, and the slender hand explored the girl’s wrist.

However, suddenly, a strong force was uploaded from the waist, and the body volleyed and turned over, and flew straight toward the enchantment gap where the little red bird melted.

The coldness in the eyes of Ji Mingying is even thicker, and the hand is gently raised, and the gap in the enchantment is directly repaired.

The cockroaches that flew out were also retaken.

The wind whistling in the ear, and I only felt that the weight loss caused by the speed was too fast, which made her dizzy.

When she returned, she has returned to the palace of Ji Ming.

The doors and windows of the palace were closed in the sound of the sound.

He was thrown into the bed by Ji Mingyu.

She just wanted to get up, and Ji Ming’s tall, cold body was directly pressed up.

Seeing the wounds on his hands and the blood oozing from his clothes, the anger on Ji Ming’s face made his body almost condense frost.

At this moment, in addition to deep anger and loss, he is more distressed.

"I said, you belong to me. Without my permission, no one can hurt you, even if you can't!"

Spirituality gathered in his palm and slowly stroked through those wounds.

As the cold came, I felt my wounds healed quickly, and even the pain left by the bones on my hands disappeared.

She had a moment of embarrassment, then frowned and pushed her, "Let me let go!"

The rest of the family stayed above her, and her side was confined under her body. The black eyes flashed. "You hurt yourself, so you have to be punished."

Hey, what is the relationship between my own body and you?

But at this time the situation is stronger than the people, she still bite her teeth: "What do you want?"

Ji Ming’s hand gently touched the girl’s soft and gentle cheeks, and the cold fingertips slowly rubbed the girl’s lips like peach blossoms. The voice became dull and unbearable, “I want you!”

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