The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1748: Don't be afraid, there is me in

That is to say, if she advances at this time, her body is likely to be directly blasted by the raging spiritual power, and the bombing is torn apart. The instability of the mind and the gods will make her a demon, and eventually she will go into flames when she is promoted.

However, the breakthrough has already begun, if not continue.

In her life, she will be trapped in the Golden Age forever, and she will never be able to enter.

I also know this situation, so she did not hesitate to choose to advance.

Only when the strength is improved, it is possible to unlock the second source of the wood, and it is possible to save everyone.

Even if she is broken, she will never step back.

As the turbulent spirit of Dantian was controlled by the shackles, the gods began to impact her heart and brain.

Countless pictures are like flashing lights that are always flashing in front of your eyes.

The wind of the valley, the bones of the armor, the sleep of the egg, the small pool, the cliff of Ouyang Haoxuan, the disappearance of the last breath of the Nangong Temple... everything, like fireworks, exploded in her mind, all her Thoughts are filled up.

Endless remorse, anger, hatred of destruction, and rushing into the heart.

His eyes suddenly became blood red, and the faint glow of dark purple flashed in annihilation.

As early as the change of spiritual strength in the week, Ji Mingyu noticed that something was wrong, and got up and took the girl's petite body into her arms.

As the spirits of the cockroaches rushed away, bursts of flushing flashed on the crystal clear jade skin, and the girl's eyes became bloodthirsty and crazy, he knew that cockroaches were ruined.

What is the cultivation and eyesight of Ji Mingqi, he only needs to be able to see at a glance that the age of the girl in front of her eyes is at most 18 years old. The 18-year-old Jin Dan, even in the elite family of Zongmen and the temple, is very few.

What's more, he even had to advance from Jindan to Yuan Ying when he was only 18 years old.

Ji Ming’s thoughts flashed in his head, but he did not hesitate to move his hands. The palm of his hand stuck to the girl’s abdomen, and the pure spiritual power quickly poured in.

In a painful torture and violent hatred, almost all the reason was lost at this time, but suddenly, there was an ice spring slowly pouring into the body, and her rioting spirit was sorted and guided a little. The pain of the body being torn is also a little bit gone.

At the same time entering her body, there is a thick god.

Stupid, she seemed to hear a cold and low, but with a petting voice in her ear repeatedly said: "Don't be afraid, there is me."

The pain of the body slowly disappeared, and the vortex formed by Dantian began to absorb the aura around, and introduced the meridians from Dantian, nourishing and strengthening the meridians and flesh over and over again.

The sorrow, despair, and erosive hatred that was originally hovering in the mind was slowly replaced by hope that everyone would come back one day.

His eyes slowly returned to their original state and closed their eyes.

Breathing has also become smooth, and there is no longer a painful look on the face.

Ji Mingqi slowly took his hand back and gently spit out a breath.

It is just a matter of course for him to sort out the violent spiritual power. After all, he is too low in level.

But it is extremely risky to send your own knowledge into other people's bodies. In case of any accident, the fragile gods will be crushed, and he will be greatly hurt.

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