"That man is really terrible, I don't have to shoot, but Lingwei crushes it, and I can be seriously injured. If it isn't for you just to advance and fix the space, I might still be unconscious for a few days. Maybe this mustard Space has helped you? After all, this space has already recognized you as the main one. Shouldn’t you watch your fire and go to the devil?

I still guessed if Ji Mingxi helped her, and when I heard the little red bird, I took it back.

I felt some red and swollen lips, and I gnawed my teeth with anger and anger.

Yes, it must have been space to help her, just like tearing time and space for her in the most dangerous time, bringing her to the wild continent. It is absolutely impossible to be the overbearing, shameless and cold bastard... right?

He took a deep breath and calmed down the inexplicable mood. He lay down on the bed and the gods entered the space.

As soon as she entered the space, she discovered that the originally broken space had been fixed.

The ancient Yun Lingtian has once again become a good soil. You can feel the powerful spiritual power contained above by gently picking up the black soil with your hands.

However, the plants on Lingtian still died more than half, except for the more precious ones, such as the golden bodhi, the cold food, and so on. The others were turned into dead leaves, and they became rich in nutrients.

However, I didn't feel much distressed. After all, she is now on the level. The original three or four products are not very useful for her.

Nine ghost springs are also completely full, the springs are quiet, the aura is surging, and there is no difference between the original.

I just picked up a spring water, and Zi Ling’s relatives smashed.

At the time of the promotion, when the space was repaired, the purple meditation also restored its vitality and became a five-piece magic plant.

Although the strength is lower than before the sleep, but Xiao Zi can still live, and retain consciousness, I am already very happy.

She touched the leaves on the purple vines, and smiled with Xiao Zi into the temple.

This time, I was promoted to the temple, and the temple was opened again.

However, I did not go to the Qinglan Temple, but first came to the Lingxiao Temple, where I fell asleep with every friend and relative who she loved.

What makes you happy is that this time the space is upgraded, the original eggshell surface of the egg, the golden light on it has become much brighter.

Moreover, when the cockroach put his hand on it, he could feel an indescribable life swaying from her palm to her mind.

In the middle of it, she seems to hear the childish voice shouting at her: "Mother, you are finally here."

He picked up the corner of his mouth, gently hugged the quiet egg, and checked the body of Gu Liufeng and others before leaving the Lingxiao Temple.

Although the progress is subtle, everything is moving in the right direction. One day, everyone will come back to her.

Entering the newly opened Qingyi Temple, there are some accidents.

Because this time the Qingyi Temple is empty, almost no baby or furnishings.

The little red bird flew around the beggar and said: "Hey, I just turned over the general outline. The original flesh enters the space, and it is the seal that you can unlock after the opening of the Qingyi Temple. And in the time-space transition repair, the space costs A lot of energy, so this time the space advancement will be silent."

He nodded and smiled. "It's already very good."

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