The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1752: Five fellow initiates

Hey, "Oh," he sighed and read it carefully, but he didn't care much. The most urgent thing for her now is to improve her life and unlock the roots of wood. As for the fire system, a little cultivation, it is not bad for alchemy.

"Stupid!" The little red bird looked at her indifferent attitude and knew what she was thinking. It was very swearing. "Do you think that you want to unlock the origin of the wood, just need to upgrade the woodwork?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not!" said the little red bird, "The ultimate form of the origin of wood, also known as the source of life, can even be said to be the source of the mother of all things in the world. You feel that there is only one wood, can be derived from the world Everything?"

"The quickest way to really unlock the origin of wood is to follow the five elements. Only when the energy of the five elements reaches the peak and forms a balance, the origin of the wood can be completely unlocked and finally transformed into the source of life. That is the real dead human bones. Let one side be born in the world, and let one side destroy the powerful power of heaven and earth."

"If you just repair the wooden system, maybe you have been practicing for a thousand years, you may not be able to unlock the second source of wood."

I was grateful to the little red bird for reminding me, and suddenly I felt like someone was close. She left the space in an instant.

"Hey girl, you woke up." The man hasn't arrived yet, and the sound of Suzaku's sweet voice has been passed in.

Seeing a woman in a red, enchanting and glamorous woman, she wondered: "What do you just call me?"

Zhuque's eyebrows smiled, and looked up and down. Then he looked worried: "Hey girl, I worked hard last night. This is the clothes that the master specially ordered me to send. They all have more than six defenses and a spirit." The legal array."

The mouth of the mouth was pumping, and she felt that Suzaku seemed to have misunderstood something, but she did not know how to explain this misunderstanding.

Last night, Ji Mingyu almost went to her... but in the end, the man stopped. Even with the illusion, when she was most sad, she seemed to hear the man's cold and gentle voice, and told her not to be afraid.

At that moment, she couldn't even tell the difference. The voice heard in the ear was Nangong Temple or Ji Ming.

Suzaku sees a reddish face on his face, and he is sure of the speculation in his heart. He is more respectful and close to him.

Oops, this is the first favorite and favored girl in their home so many years.

Maybe one day it will become the master of the temple.

Moreover, Suzaku himself has an inexplicable affection for this girl.

She said softly: "Hey girl, the master is really the first time to use a girl like that. Since you already have... 奚 girl, don’t run anymore, stay with the master, you will not Will regret it!"

As she said, she waved her hand, clothes and food appeared in front of the cockroach, the food was still fragrant, and the aura was very rich.

There is no change in the look of 奚玥, as if the person who died yesterday and even ran away was not her at all.

Even if she really wants to run, she will have to build up her strength so that she will not get through with her body.

When Suzaku saw the meal, he took out another medicinal herb. The look was a bit dignified: "This is the master who asked me to give it to you. He will let you take it as soon as possible after the realm of the Yuan Ying period. This is the Promise. Dan, there will be great benefits for you."

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