The woman on the painting is absolutely stunning in the common customs, but it always feels worse than the girl.

What shocked the White Tiger was that the woman on the painting, who did not know the name, had seen the same portrait. Because in the year of the gods or the Siamese mainland, there were people who had been looking for a big fan.

The white tiger looks at Ji Ming, "The master, the woman on this portrait is..."

Ji Mingqi nodded slowly, and the chilly eyes smashed. "You repeat, where was this painting found?"

White Tiger quickly said: "It is under the backyard pavilion."

"Not found before?"

Bai Hu shook his head and said: "The temple is equipped with a special method for cleaning. No one will go to the backyard for special inspections on weekdays. I don't know who this scroll is. I don't know who left it. The position of this painting is more concealed. This time, I will find out that because the master has destroyed the enchantment method in the backyard, otherwise it may not be discovered in a short time."

Ji Ming's eyes stared at the woman in the picture, and she slowly said: "Xi, are you related to him and the gods? Who are you? Where are you from?"

The white tiger swallowed and felt that his heart was a little unloaded.

Ji Mingyu suddenly sighed: "White Tiger, the man who sent this scroll to the gods. Also, let me go back to the gods and give me a look at his every move. If there is news from Xier, let me know immediately." !"

The white tiger breathed tightly, but he was immediately stunned by the cold eyes of Shang Ji’s sorrow. "Yes, Master!"


God domain, the Temple of the Emperor.

Here is the world above Siam. In the chaotic space of the chaos, it exists outside the clouds, and the high and high is on the top of the world, the growth and death of all things, the joys and sorrows of all beings.

Every **** in the gods has a life span of chaos and heaven, and it is almost immortal.

The Emperor's Palace is the most noble place in the entire divine domain. It is in charge of the rise and fall of the universe.

However, since the last generation of the Emperor, the entire Emperor’s Temple has been deserted.

Outside the palace, the enchantment that cannot be broken even by the powerful gods is shrouded. No one can enter without permission, and no one can unlock the seal of the Emperor, thus taking charge of thousands of planes and heaven and earth.

The only one who can freely enter and exit the Temple of the Emperor is the sacred Yun Tianyi, who is known as the Guardian of the Emperor, and his twelve gods.

From the Temple of the Emperor, Yun Tianyi followed his confidant, the twelve gods, the ugly cow, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the python, the afternoon horse, the sheep, the monkey, the pheasant, the hyena And Hai pig.

When Yuntianyi passed through the most prosperous Taishang Square in the domain, it immediately attracted the attention of countless goddesses.

The appearance of Tianyi Shengzun seems to be only twenty-eight-nine-year-old. His body is tall and straight, his appearance is beautiful, and his body is exuding evil spirits and **** and sultry.

In the domain of God, Tianyi Shengzun has a unique position. No matter which **** is the **** of the future, he is an unshakable sacred law.

The most important thing is that, for many years, Tianyi Shengzun has never married his wife, and even the few acolytes who have been raised in the lower bounds have heard that they are only nominal, and Tianyi Shengzun has never touched it.

Moreover, there is no child under the knees of Tianyi Shengzun. There is only one foster daughter who is loved by the old lady of Tianjia. How can such a man not let the women of the Divine domain be moved?

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