The woman’s eyes were soaring and sneer: “The **** of Nalan’s language, stepping her into the mud, thinking that she could no longer climb, and even hooked up. Tell me the specific location, I go Look."

After getting the address, the woman quickly disappeared into the mansion.

Few people know that this mansion was a part of Zhu’s young master Zhu Zhongba ten years ago, and this black woman’s seductive woman is the Nalan flying snow that has already cultivated the magical Taoism.

Nalan Fei Xue came all the way to the foot of Cangshan, and soon saw the woman she hated the most, her sister, Nalan.

Since she knew that Nalan’s mother had killed her mother and gave herself to Zhu Zhongba as a chip, Nalan Fei Xue hated her. In the past ten years, Nalan language has been so miserable as a meditation warrior, and her handwriting is inside.

When the Nalan language was sent to the 娼妓馆, she would take the person out after her death, and then cut the adult **** when she was full of hope.

The sticks made by Nalan Zhengze and Zhu Zhongba have been necroticized by her since a few years ago, so she is now only going to keep Nalan’s language and slowly tortured. Otherwise, her future days, Wouldn't it be boring?

However, Nalan Feixue did not expect that Nalan language fell to this field, and there are still people to save her.

Who is it? Want to save such a snake-hearted, dirty and shameless monk?

However, Nalan Fei Xue was not close to the place where the altar was set up, and there was an indescribable fear in her heart.

This is not just a gap between cultivation and pressure, but she feels that the practice of her cultivation seems to be completely restrained. If it is close, it will be directly crushed into a powder.

Nalan Feixue stopped in a hurry and hid in a huge banyan tree, looking into the distance.

From here, she can only see that Nalan language is humbled by a few people around her, and she looks like she is pleased, and she is excited and afraid.

Among the group of people, there was a tall man who was particularly conspicuous. The smell of her body made Nalan fly snowy. But the man's face made her inexplicably feel familiar.

Nalan Fei Xue was unwilling, and finally dared to send a small seed in that direction.

This seed is a five-character demon planting ear. There are only three hours of life. After rooting, a plant resembling an ear will be born, so that the warrior who has engraved the soul mark on it can hear all the sounds heard by the ear.

The cockle flies to the altar, and Nalan's flying snow spurred the body's magic, and soon heard the sound coming from there.

The Nalan language was on the ground, and snarled in the mouth of the incense candle, muttering in the mouth. "Mother, thank you for being in the spirit of heaven, and blessing me to find my relatives. I will definitely be with you in the future." Take care of you. After that, your daughter will not be bullied again. You don't have to suffer any more. You can finally rest in peace."

Nalan Fei's brows are wrinkled, and her heart is full of doubts. Nalan is the same sister who is her father. This is her 100% sure, how can I have relatives now?

After the end of the Nalan language, I stood up and looked forward to the tall man. "Hey, where are we going next? You are not a Jura person, right? Are you from Siam?" Can I go back to Siam with you?"

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