Qin Lei himself did not hesitate to scream at the white youth, and kept screaming: "Small eyes don't know Taishan, and they rushed to Mr., please don't let me know the ants!" ”

The white youth did not say anything. The boy next to him was giggling: "Oh, it is really not fun to recognize the identity of the young master. Didn’t you just say that you want to give us a good look?"

The **** the side glanced at the boy and said coldly: "Aqing, no fun."

The young man in white did not even look at Qin Lei’s eyes. He said: “Kick them all out and make a noise.”

A Qing heard more laughter, and grinned: "Good!"

The next moment, the voice did not fall, the hand waved, suddenly the dense Thousand Thunderbolt fell from the sky, and fell on Qin Lei and others.

Qin Lei only felt a twitching pain in the whole body, and the hair and skin on the whole person had a burning smell.


One after another, the people of the Qinglei family fell and then disappeared into the bamboo forest.

Before Qin Lei finally disappeared, he only heard the laughter of the boy. "Seeing no, this is called the thunder method. Is it fun to be thundered?"

When Qin Lei woke up again, he only felt the burning pain that could not be said under his body.

I finally managed to adjust the interest rate and found that my repair was damaged by the lightning. It took at least a month to raise it.

Qin Lei’s men are even worse than him. Several people even lost a small realm.

Such damage is a fatal loss to the military.

Many of Qin Lei’s men were filled with indignation: “Home, are we doing this?”

"Hey--" a slap in the face.

Qin Lei's eyes are red, roaring: "Shut up, do you know who is that person?"

His face was beaten and forced to look at Qin Lei one by one.

Qin Lei took a deep breath and his voice was hoarse. He said with fear: "Junjia Yueze, on the opposite side of the heavens, the next five lines, the old stalks are riddled with the sky, but the palms of the hands can be used to capture the heavens and the earth. Have you ever heard of this sentence?"

All the people in the group took a breath of cold breath, and they were shocked, and even the pace at their feet was awkward.

"No...Is it impossible? The white man, that is... is the legendary legend that can capture the world's fortune, and no one can make a difference in the battle of the squad!!"

"Jun Yueze, that is the character that the monarch is a **** and a treasure, how can it appear in this place alone?"

Qin Lei was under the horror and fear. One by one was amazed, and he took a deep breath.

Yes, he didn't want to believe it at first.

How can a legend like Jun Yueze appear in a remote place like the dark cloud?

However, in addition to Jun Yueze in the world, who else can arrange such invisible and unobtrusive, so that even the detectives are not aware of the nine-turning squad that is caught in it? Who is physically weak, bad, and low-minded, but can make the god-level monk close to the body?

Now Qin Lei is completely convinced that the black man who is behind the white youth and pushes the chair is the personal guard of the legendary Jun Yue Ze, one of only a few god-level monks in the Siamese mainland, Ji Weicheng.

"You have seen Jun Yueze, where is he?"

Qin Lei and others are stunned, and suddenly a clear man’s voice came.

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