The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1814: More terrible than the beast (seeking a ticket)

"Grandpa..." An Lingyi also seized the hand of An Lingyang, and his eyes were full of hope for the old man.

If she stays here, she can't be invited to the moon palace. It is likely to become the acolyte and stove of others. When it is time, she will die.

Instead of this, it is better to put together a fight.

Amber worried: "But the beastly forest is extremely dangerous. I heard that there are even beasts in the beast. There are not many people left in our Anling family. If you don't have many people, you can enter the forest and you will surely disturb the beast. If..."

When you interrupted Amber, a serious saying: "Do not worry, I will walk with you with the unknown. Although the beasts of the Beast Forest are horrible, I believe that the unknown is more terrible than them."

The teenager in red looks at her over the head, her face is inexplicable and her face is deep and deep.

I didn't care to look at him with no care. I didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed at all. I didn't know how to take my eyes back silently, but the corner of my mouth provoked a shallow arc.

And An Ling and An Linghong, they all remembered the scene of the young people who killed the Jinwu tribe, including the leader, and chilled.

Although it sounds like a joke, but I don't know why, they think that it seems that the unknown is really more terrible than the beast.

And An Lingyi remembered the scene of flesh and blood, his face suddenly became pale, and quickly hid behind An Lingyang, did not dare to see the unknown.

An Lingyang and others do not know the inside story, full of doubts, but look at the attitude of An Ling and others, but also know that crossing the World of Warcraft will not be dangerous.

He has been indulging for a long time, and finally his look has become firm and he has gnashed his teeth: "Okay, our Anling family collectively moved to Qingyang!"

When I said this, An Lingyang’s gaze looked at the faintly visible walls, but it suddenly turned red.

In the dark city of Taikoo, their Anling family suffered too much injustice and suffering in this place.

But here is where the Anling family lived for generations and is their hometown.

Once, their Anling home was also beautiful, and the people were prosperous, but nowadays, there are only a few dozen people left.

The entire Anling family fell apart, and now even the ancestral land has to be abandoned, leaving home and fleeing like a dog.

How can such an contrast and ending make An Lingyang not sad, not painful?

Anling’s family is equal to his defeat. In the future, he will have a face to see the ancestors of the Anling family.

Seeing the tears and pain in An Lingyang's eyes, and his more awkward body, An Ling and An Lingyu both supported the old man and whispered comfortably.

Anling hoarse voice: "Grandpa, you can rest assured, we will definitely make a comeback, and then return to Taikoo Shing. One day, my Anling family will take back everything that belongs to us."

An Lingyang heard the words, and couldn’t help it anymore. The tears left behind, and the old hand held the hands of An Ling and An Ling’s hands. The voice was hoarse and said: "Good boy, grandfather believes you, grandfather believes, Anling home. There must be a day to return to the past."

As the voice of Anlingyang fell, the other people in Anling’s family also fell down, and they clenched their fists in one hand and shouted. “My Anling family will return to the dark cloud one day and get back to us. Everything is ushered in our past."

Those who still stay here are loyal to the Anling family and have no intentions. In order to wait until the arrival of this day, no matter how much suffering, they will never back down, and will not be mournful.

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