The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1821: 嗡嗡嗡——

There is no higher-order Warcraft rushing out to want to swallow them, and even a few times far from feeling the Warcraft atmosphere of the 10th level, the Anling family is horrified, but a turn, Warcraft is flying like Escaped far away.

As you enter the deeper center of the Beast Forest, you will find that there are many high-level spiritual plants here.

Even she found many seasoning crops that had not been seen in the mainland of the Jurassic.

Therefore, on this road, when people at Anling’s house are resting, they go out alone and pick up the plants.

Here is a cliff that is deeply hopeless, but above the cliff, there is a beehive shining with gold.

Around the hive, densely packed bees fluttered, each bee showed the same golden color as the hive, and each was a fist-sized, horrible look.

He is wearing armor on his body. These are all from her searched by Qin Yuanzhi and others. In the mainland of Jurassic, such armor can only be worn by the head of the big door, and the protection ability is first-class.

But I don’t dare to take it lightly, because there are so many bees underneath, each one is a nine-level one, which is still equivalent to the repair of the Yuan Ying period.

奚 Unknown on the side frowned: "I am going to get it for you."

"I said no." He shook his head helplessly. "These red golden bees, each of which is comparable to the repair of the Yuan Ying period warrior, you think I am willing to take risks. However, you do not understand the method of honey collection. If you are not careful, you will lose the spiritual power in the honey, so that not only the taste is not good, but the effect will be much worse."

See the frown of the unknown disapproval, smirked and said: "An, don't you have a support on it? Even if it is really dangerous, you can save it again, and you have the same."

The unknown look is a little bit stunned, and he said: "You really... believe me?"

Responding to him was a blind eye, then leaped and flew toward the cliff.

"嗡嗡嗡~~" countless beeps, accompanied by a hot air wave, made a slap in the heart, a layer of goose bumps on the skin.

However, this red golden bee is a rare food, and it is a rare treasure in the world for the spiritual power of cultivation.

Whether it's from a chef's point of view or from a strength, you must collect it.

The pure water spirit wraps the hive, and it penetrates into it a little, cutting the lower half of the hive with the spiritual power.

The atmosphere of the whole body is almost hidden, so although the red golden bee is around her, they can't feel it.

Three inches, two inches, one inch... The hive was finally cut off, and it was quickly thrown into space.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief and planned to fly back to the top of the cliff, her familiar voice was suddenly heard in her ear.

"Hey, what are you doing? How do you suddenly throw things in, and the gods are hurt by you."

"I rely on, this is the hive of the red golden bee. Where did you come from? There are so many?!"

Suddenly, I felt that the big thing was not good. Sure enough, the next moment, a red figure appeared in front of her eyes.

Little red bird? ! !

I just want to bake this stinky bird.

When did this guy appear bad, actually came out in this millennial!


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