The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1823: Fairy fluttering

The next moment, the clouds suddenly swayed. In an instant, the clouds, bamboo forests, other hospitals, and the white men in wheelchairs disappeared without a trace.

He frowned slightly, and he felt that it was just his own illusion?

"嗡嗡嗡~~" The sound of the red golden bee came again.

But soon, countless red silks descended from the sky, shrouded all the red bee colonies.

The red line suddenly tightened, and all the red gold bees were split and the heads separated.

And the unknown also descended from the sky, stayed beside the donkey, grabbed her hand and frowned. "You are hurt."

I don’t care if I smile, my body is surging, and I quickly healed the original red and swollen wounds.

The red gold bee's poison is really powerful, but it was when a large group of red gold bee stings, her little wound is not a problem.

As for the little red bird, this guy is the body of the beast, and it is painful to be smashed by the red hornet, but it does not leave any sequelae.

奚 Unknown cold eyes look out to the red gold bee flying away from the group, the **** killing in the eyes.

Everything in this world is hurting, and he doesn't mind letting them die forever and ever between heaven and earth.

Just thinking like this, suddenly there was a shout from Anling in the distance. "Hey, hey, where are you?"

The brow is wrinkled, the dark road: Is the Anling family born?

There is a little anxiety in my heart. After all, Anling is her only relative family in this world. Although she did not want to recognize each other, she never allowed these people to have an accident.

Unknown at a glance, she saw her mind, not waiting for the movement, the body shape has appeared in front of An Ling.

When Anling saw it, he said: "Hey, I invited the moon palace and invited the moon palace to contact us. I said that someone will come over soon to check the qualifications of the children."

I did not expect to invite the Moon Palace to pay such attention to the candidate of this saint.

Not only did he rush in the first time after receiving the news, but the squadron seemed to be very large.

In an open area of ​​the Beast Forest, An Lingyang and others waited respectfully.

After about a musk time, the sky suddenly filled with a strong floral fragrance.

Then, the pink petals of the film descended from the sky, accompanied by the melodious music that didn't know where it sounded.

In such a petal rain and music, a dozen women wearing white gauze floated to the ground and stood on both sides.

Then, a woman wearing a pink Chinese dress floated to the ground, barefoot stepping on the petals on the ground, slowly moving toward An Lingyang and others.

Look at this scene is simply full of black lines, this forced way to play, so that her goose bumps have to get up.

What is even more embarrassing is that these white women who stand on both sides are beautiful and elegant, and the fairy flutters.

However, the only woman who finally appeared on the stage, although repaired to a very high level, has reached the stage of the robbery, but it is difficult to compliment this long nose and small eyes.

However, the people of Anling’s family were very respectful. When they saw the women’s landing, they immediately squatted and shouted in unison: “Congratulations to invite the moon palace to make Hongxia!”

Hongxia satisfactorily looked at An Lingqi and others, looking awed and looking at her.

However, she looked at her and saw that she was standing in the distance and looking at her. She didn’t have the meaning of squatting and swearing. She suddenly looked pale. "Who are you? Seeing why God did not kneel?"

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