The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1827: Physician level

In the refining domain, there are various subdivisions, including virtual arenas, exchanges, auction houses, mercenaries, etc., as long as the helpers and monks want to get help, they can be found almost everywhere.

Of course, some rare treasures of auctions and transactions, there will generally be other trading venues, most of them will not be placed in the refining domain.

This is so, this has already shocked you.

This refining spiritual domain is just like the network of her previous life. Even, it is even stronger than the network, because the monks can divide into a sacred spirit, and in the spiritual domain, they can cultivate, fight, and talk like normal people. .

The life and death hall that An Lingyu said is precisely the place in the refining field, which is used to assess the qualifications of monks, including doctors, refining pharmacists, symbolists, refiners, and so on.

There are a total of nine doctors certified in the Life and Death Hall, namely: medical doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors.

In the life and death hall, each level has a test, and only after passing the test will it have the corresponding level.

Only those who have reached a certain level of physician can qualify for medical practice.

At this time, I mentioned a little interest. She always has more curiosity about medical related things.

"What kind of test is it?"

An Lingyi extended his right hand. Soon, a dark cyan pattern appeared on the back of his hand. The lines were a bit like the willow marks, and there were three leaves on the curved branches.

"This is the doctor's grade mark. I also got it through the third layer of the test of life and death last year."

An Lingyi not only proudly put away his hands, but also a little embarrassed to the eyes of the captain: "In fact, the first three layers of the test are relatively simple, the first layer is only to test the roots, confirm the water roots, Only qualified to enter the profession of physicians, and the second layer is to test the identification and application of elixir, the third layer is the solution to the basic case."

"My qualifications in the doctors are not very good. I can pass the third layer or rely on a prescription from our Anling family. When I arrived at the fourth floor, I didn't have any clues, so I was quickly eliminated. ”

He raised his eyebrows: "The cases inside are very strange?"

"The more high-level test, the more rare the case is. I listened to the classmates in Tianzhigu. I can't even understand the later cases." Anling尧 nodded. "The difficulty is naturally getting more and more." Big. So far, the Tianyigu students I know have not yet passed the sixth floor."

The interest in my heart was completely picked up.

Doctors have an instinctive interest in intractable diseases. The more nobody can solve them, the more they have seen them, the more they want to challenge.

“How can I enter the refining domain and participate in the assessment of the Life and Death Hall?”

An Lingyi quickly took out a piece of jade slip and handed it to his hand. "This is the lowest level of soul and jade, which allows you to spend an hour in the spiritual field. You can first familiarize yourself with the spiritual domain." ”

"However, you should never try to take the test of the Life and Death Hall immediately, because once the assessment of the Life and Death Hall fails, the soul will be damaged. My last level of assessment failed, and it took more than half a year to stay in bed. It usually takes at least three hours, and this soul will force you to withdraw from the spiritual domain after an hour."

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