If you can't count it, of course he knows that Jun Yue Ze can't count it, because he will be a divination. Although not specialized, he cultivated far more than Jun Yue Ze and Xi Er. It is reasonable to say that as long as the divination is not counted.

However, it is a blank. It’s like having a hand between heaven and earth, erasing the girl’s information.

It’s like a dream, it’s coming, it’s gone, it’s gone.

"Coughing cough..." He coughed a few times, and quickly said, "Although I can't use it, but Junyue Ze has used a line of gossip, and there are some directions. Junyue Ze said, the person you are looking for. It should appear near Qingyunjie."

Ji Ming’s hole jerked for a while, and the whole person suddenly stood up, his burning eyes looked at him, and the whole person was stiff.

When the master was put out of the air, even through the virtual image, he felt the pressure of the top.

And the Suzaku on the side has already turned pale and stood still.

I just swallowed my throat and continued: "I don't know if this is true or not, so I came to Qingyunjie first. If I can't find it in Qingyun, I will go to the nearby broken star." In addition, Junyue Ze also said a very strange word."

Ji Mingqi slowly converges on the pressure of the body without disparity, and looks at the men in the virtual image.

饕餮 皱 皱 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆 回忆

The look of Ji Mingyu suddenly became colder, and the coldness of the hustle and bustle.

What is the fate of the day? He never believed!

He only believed that the person, she wanted to escape, he took the person back, so that she no longer has no way to escape.

Forever eternal life, who can accompany him to his family, there is only one person!

As for the owner of Feng Yu Tianyi? What is the relationship with him!

No one should think about his decision, even if he can't live!


Nalan Rong looked at the bustling streets in front of her, sucking the rich and pure spiritual power in the air, and the whole person trembled with excitement.

This is Siam, this is the fairy world that the warriors of the Jurassic mainland dreamed of.

Nalan has never thought about it, and she actually has a day to come here.

Look at the medicinal herbs and magic weapons that are everywhere on the street. Even if you don't get close to seeing them, you can feel the strong breath and mellow spirit that comes from above.

Such a baby, formerly in Miluo, is the head of everything that everyone is vying for.

However, here, it is a plain goods that are placed freely on the street.

Nalan language shuddered because of the excitement. If she got these babies, she must go back to Jurassic, let the people who humiliated her trample her, and taste the taste of Feng Shui.

Especially the other disciple of the veteran old man, her sister, how did she insult herself? Despise yourself?

When her Nalan language is returned to her hometown, she must throw the monk into the hall, so that she can live better than the beast. Hahaha!

The greed and desire in the eyes of the Nalan language can't be covered.

The rex rabbit looked in the eye, and the sly was full of contempt.

Nalan language turned her head and soon saw the contempt in the eyes of the rabbit, and she never meant to hide it.

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