"Hey--" Lin Zhi’s jade slipped on the ground, and his face looked stunned. He was screaming like a ghost. "You...had you passed the third assessment? No, you look The child passed the triple assessment?!"

He smiled and then walked into the fourth door with her shocked gaze.

This time, after about half an hour, I came out from the fourth door, but the application is still as usual.

This time, not only Lin Zhi, but even other people outside the life and death hall noticed her.

Because the jade on the life and death hall once again showed a paragraph, "Physician passed the fourth door examination and obtained the medical qualification."

However, the act of stunned the chin was not over yet, and she turned again and walked toward the fifth door.

"Zero ... 07, you ... you have to accept the fifth assessment?!" Lin Zhi almost screamed, "This ... this is the assessment of the medical king! And you have experienced four assessments, the soul should be very Exhausted, you... you will be hurt like this..."

I smiled a little: "Reassured, I have a measure."

Immediately afterwards, she disappeared behind the door, leaving only a group of people in the square of the death and death hall shocked for a long time can not speak.

This time, it was still about half an hour, and I came out.

At the moment when he walked out of the fifth door, a light flashed on the sixth door, and then a middle-aged figure appeared in front of everyone.

The middle-aged man looks like he is 40 years old and old, he has to be long and thin, and he looks quite like a fairy. It was only at this time that his face was pale and his expression was full of pain and tiredness.

"It is Dr. Chen Hongan!" Someone could not help but exclaimed.

"I heard that he went to the sixth door before the two hours to check, and I don't know how this result!"

"Oh, I am more concerned about the young boy named Zero and Seven. He has tested five times in a row. Has this fifth assessment been passed?"

Everyone was talking about it. The jade over the dead and the dead flashed, and two lines of text appeared soon.

“Physician passed the fifth door examination and obtained the medical qualification. Congratulations!”

"Physician Chen Hongan failed to pass the sixth door assessment, regret accepting the punishment of the soul and lightning!"


When the two news came out, the square of the entire life and death hall was boiling.

Lin Zhi strode to the front of the squatting, excited face flushed, incoherent: "Seven, seventy-seven predecessors, who are you in the end? Are you from Heavenly Medicine Valley? Otherwise how could it be so powerful, even can even After five levels?!"

He smiled at her and then asked, "Do you have spar? Can you lend me something?"

"Let's borrow a spar? What do you want to do with the spar?" Lin Zhi stuttered, suddenly opening his mouth and swearing: "You...you won't continue to test it?" This is impossible! Do you know how rare people are to get the title of medical doctor?"

I still haven't answered anything. Suddenly, a storage ring was thrown over the slant, and it fell firmly in her hand.

When I turned my head, I got a handsome face.

This should be a woman of about 20 years old, but she is tall and tall, her legs are long and straight. Although her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, her body is full of heroic spirit, and the moment she sees her, she has a feeling of being male and female.

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