The son's spiritual root has been tested. It is the wind, gold, and fire. The gold and fire are both natural and natural, and such qualifications are rare in white houses.

Lin Peiyu remembered his desperate desperation a few days ago, and thought about whether it is now very good, and the gratitude to him is a bit deeper.

Seeing Bai Yingfan still stupid around his son, she couldn't help but blame: "Wu, do you pay for the consultation of the doctor?"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!" Bai Yingfan reacted and quickly took out a bronze metal box and handed it to his hand. "This is the consultation and thank you for my white family." Please ask the doctor to smile."

After picking up the box, there is no such thing as a guest, and the box is opened.

As soon as she opened, she narrowed her eyes in amazement. The original box was a storage device, which was divided into four spaces.

A large amount of spar is stored in the first space, and the number is a few, and there are about 20,000 spars.

In the second space, there are more than a dozen bundles of tender yellow grass, which is recognized at a glance. This grass is very common in the Siamese continent [moon primrose], which is commonly used in the market. Dan and other six products of the following medicinal herbs, need to use this herb.

Although the seedlings of this herb are not too valuable, such a huge amount of seedlings is also obviously expensive.

The mood is very good. She knows that many pharmacists and physicians in the Siamese mainland can carry some ordinary spirit grass in the medicine garden. Bai Yingfan gave her so many [monthly grass], she must also think that she has a medicine garden, and [ The breeding cycle of evening primrose is very short.

This is really true, as long as these moon plants are planted in the ancient Yun Lingtian, as long as half a month, she refines the main spirit grass of the Ling Dan and Run Mai Dan.

In the third space, there is still a plant, a green and crisp small tree, the moment of seeing the small tree, Rao is calm and calm, can not help but exclaim, let her even put the first The white jade tokens placed in the four spaces are left behind.

Because this small tree, which has been seen in the records of all things, is the seedling of the soul-raising wood. As long as it is raised into adulthood, it will exude an atmosphere of nurturing and repairing the soul. The grade of adult soul-building wood is more than ten, even if it is difficult to find a piece in the Siam family, or to have a section, it can greatly benefit the monk, and this value cannot be measured at all.

"So precious things are too wasteful as a consultation." He moved the box back and looked complicated. "Please ask the young master to take away the soul tree. Other things are enough, or far more than the cost of the consultation." ""

Bai Yingfan smiled and smiled and shook his head: "The soul-raising wood is indeed precious, but that refers to the mature soul-raising wood, a seedling of the soul-raising wood, which is of no use to my white family. Tens of thousands of years, and if you accidentally raise your own, it’s better to give it to my doctor if I put it at my hand.

After a long silence, I gently said "thank you" and collected the seedlings of the soul tree.

She has ancient Yun Ling, and other doctors' medicine gardens can only increase the growth rate of Lingzhi by one or two different. Her Lingtian time is a hundred times faster, and with the irrigation of nine ghost springs, it may soon be Can harvest the gods.

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