The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1871: [zero] heroic posture

The seedling of the soul-raising wood was carefully planted next to the Tiansang Tree.

After being watered with nine ghost springs, the seedlings of the soul-raising wood are a little spirited, but the growth is not as obvious as it is imagined. It seems that the growth of the soul-building wood requires other conditions.

I put this matter behind my head and I plan to study it later. When I know it, I enter the spiritual domain.

Now that she has a spar in her hand, it is time to pay off the debts owed.

As soon as he entered the refining spirits and stood in the square, he was shocked by the lively scenes and dense crowds.

There was a chilling voice from everyone in the square.

"Wu Daoyou, you are not a retreat. Have you been in the spiritual domain for more than three years?"

"Oh, I heard that the grandson said that the [zero] in the spiritual field accepted the challenge. The challenge time is set to be this afternoon. Where is the mind retreat? Of course, let’s first look at the legendary first person in the spiritual domain?"

"The old man is also, although he is no longer keen on fighting skills, but occasionally think of the [zero] style of the year, still can not help but be impressed, so today, anyway, go to watch."

Hearing these people, he blinked in surprise.

[Zero], is the first person on the fight list? Is the score more than several times higher than the people below?

Just thinking, the virtual image was shot in front of her eyes. The above shows the news of her only friend Lin Zhi in the spiritual domain: "Zero, you are coming up? Great! Come to the skill field, I am not easy. I grabbed two places to watch in the fighting field. Come on, let's take a look at the legendary [zero] heroic position."

After a while, I found Linzhi waiting outside at the door of the fighting field.

When Lin Zhi saw her, she suddenly seemed to think of something, her face flushed and stuttered: "The zero-seven predecessors, you will not blame me for being speechless? I am just..."

He waved his hand and said: "Call me a little seven, don't go to the predecessors."

Nyingchi’s roots and appearances are much older than the age of the genitals. It’s not wrong to call a small seven.

Just thinking that the teenager standing in front of her eyes is a medical sage, she is stunned by the whole person. Her doctor who couldn't even pass the third-level assessment, one day, could be solid with a medical doctor.

And this medical fairy is still the youngest in the history of the spiritual domain.

He asked: "You said that you want to go to see the fighting skills, is it the zero and the savage swordsman?"

Lin Zhi heard the words and nodded again and again: "Yes, just three days ago, [Zero], which has disappeared for decades, suddenly appeared and accepted the challenge. The refining of the spiritual domain arranged the two people's struggles today. Because the news is going crazy, the number of people watching this fight will definitely break the peak."

"The mad wave swordsman, look at it, it is the mad wave swordsman!!"

Someone exclaimed, and saw a handsome and tall young man striding in the crowd.

Many onlookers couldn’t help but show their admiration and red cheeks.

The mad wave swordsman Yue Tingyuan is not only ranked third in the fight list, but also ranked in the dozens on the son of the knights. Such a monk with both appearance and strength is the most favorite of many women.

As for [Zero], he has not appeared in 30 or 40 years. Now many young warriors and monks do not know his appearance.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman wearing a white dress embroidered with red plums crowded out the crowd and asked the screaming swordsman: "Yue brother, do you have confidence in today's fight?"

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