The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1880: There will be a period

She closed her eyes and whispered: "Xuan Mu, things have been going on for ten years for you, but for me, everything seems to be still in sight."

奚玥 Slowly and quietly used the calm voice to briefly describe the events that took place on the top of Cangshan.

When Xuanmu heard that he saw his loved ones and friends dying in front of him, and finally even Nangong was away from her, there was a strong remorse and distress in his eyes.

The hand hanging on the side of the body was tightly picked up. Xuan Mu thought, if he left later, if he came back earlier, wouldn’t he have to suffer from it?

When I said these things, I looked calm, but the voice was fragile and hoarse. On the eyes of Xuanmu’s remorse, she smiled slightly: "After the disaster, I seem to be in a strange place and go to a strange place. When I returned to Siam, it was already ten years later."

She did not say anything about reviving Nangong.

One is because it involves the origin of wood, and the other is because this is just a vain hope. It is her spiritual sustenance, but before it is realized, it is always a mirror.

Xuan Mu asked: "Where are you now? When I finish the matter at hand, I will look for you."

"Tianfu City in Qingyunjie."

Xuan Mu remembered this address in his heart.

This fight is not going on, Xuanmu chose to admit defeat, the two sent away from the fighting field.

On the southwest side of the trading area is the place to cultivate immortals, and there is even a tea room dedicated to monks gathering and chatting.

Yan and Xuanmu chose a tea room to sit down and watched the former roommates sitting opposite each other. I remembered that the confrontation between Nangong and Xuanmu was opposite, and her expression became embarrassing and sad.

It is obvious that the original picture is still clearly reflected in the mind, but it has been like a world, and can no longer be recovered.

"Do you want to cultivate the soul?" Xuanmu suddenly asked.

After returning to God, I was silent for a moment: "Not all. I want to get the bucket points. I want to reach the top ten positions in the fight list in a short time."

Xuanmu slightly raised his eyebrows and then shook his head: "With the intensity of your present soul, it is impossible."

In fact, I had expected it, but I was disappointed when I heard Xuanmu’s judgment.

Xuan Mu saw her look of faintness in an instant, and Shen Sheng asked: "Is this your wish today?"

I remembered the same face as Nangong, and nodded.

Xuan Mudao: "Well, I know."

After that, I took a look at the void, probably a message from the spiritual domain or other people. "I have to leave for a while, hey, can I see you here?"

Seeing nodded, Xuan Mu gently spit out a breath, the indifferent eyes fell on her pale and beautiful face, the waves swayed gently, "Hey, can meet you again, very good."

Looking at the joy of the true feelings in Xuan Mu's eyes, I couldn't help but smile. "I am also, Xuan Mu, I can see you again, I am very happy. There will be a period."

Xuanmu slightly raised his mouth and made his original indifferent face dyed with a touch of warmth.

Then his figure slowly disappeared into the spiritual domain.

He reached out and touched the fruit of the bubbling fever on his chest. He whispered: "Hey, egg, Xiaochi, Guliufeng... Have you seen it? I met Xuanmu, and everything in the past has not disappeared. Not a dream bubble."

One day, you will come back to me.

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