"The condensate fruit is expensive, and the ordinary warriors may not be able to afford it for several years. But it is different in Tianzhi Valley." Wen Jiaquan smiled at the beard. "Because there is a mature condensate tree in the inner door of Tianyi Valley." Every three years, many fruits are produced. These fruits have been sealed up by Heavenly Medicine Valley and used to reward outstanding teachers and students every year."

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Wen Jiaquan’s smile is even more so. “As long as you are willing to go to the Tianmeng Valley as a mentor, you will get a condensed fruit as one of the rewards. After that, according to your teaching performance, you will get at least one. Condensed fruit. Now, I don’t know if Xiaoyou is interested in going to Tianzhigu as a mentor?"

The long eyelashes hang down slightly. This time, I only sank for a moment, and I looked up and said, "Okay, I agree!"

Wen Jiaquan couldn't help but laugh, and he liked to lick the temperament of this hearty.

The pass card of the outer gate of Tianzhigu was handed over to the cockroach, and the two agreed to go to the time of registration, and Wen Jiaquan left with satisfaction.

Looking at the yellow jade card in his hand, his eyes also showed a bit of smile.

Condensed tree? Hey, earning spar to buy condensate yuan fruit, how tired!

Just now she heard the little red bird said that the branches of the condensate tree can be regenerated. Although it is difficult to regenerate and cultivate, she has the ancient Yun Lingtian, so she said...Go to Tianzhi Valley to teach, and by the way, earn a condensate tree. Well, this sale is good!

"Excuse me, is this the Sumi Hospital?" Hezheng was calculating, suddenly heard the voice of a teenager.

She looked back and saw a tall and thin teenager standing in front of her, looking into the medical hall.

He asked: "What are you doing?"

"I am looking for you." The teenager looked at her, then thought of something, and rejoicing, "Are you swearing? Someone asked me to give this to you."

I received a letter from the boy in a strange way. I was wondering who sent the boy, but the boy had already left in a hurry.

The young man did not build the foundation period, but it was very easy to pull him back, but she did not do it, but opened the envelope directly.

There is only a thin piece of paper inside, with a sentence on it.

Seeing this sentence, the pupil of the scorpion slammed for a while, and the eyes screamed with a strong killing.

I saw on the letter paper - An Ling's life is dying, please go to Tianzhi Valley.

"Hey, what's wrong? Just someone sent something over?"

In the medical hall, An Lingyuan’s inquiry sound came, and the hand suddenly took it, and quickly took the letter back into the sleeve.

She maintained her calm and faint expression on her face: "I am in a hurry to go to Tianzhi Valley. The visits to these ****s have been cancelled. You will inform me."

An Ling is nervous and nervous: "What happened? Is it because Tianzhi Valley is going to be embarrassing you? Or something else?"

He gently spit out a sigh of relief and smashed the letter in his sleeve.

Anling is the only hope of Anling's family. If Anling is involved, her grandfather and us may not be able to stand the collapse.

She turned over her wrist and took Wen Jiaquan's yellow jade card out of her. "Nothing big, Wen doctor wants me to be the mentor of Tianzhigu's outer door. I plan to leave today."

"What...what?! Mentor?!" An Ling looked stunned at the eyes of the teenager, but because of his shock, he left behind the uneasiness and fear in his heart.

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