"What...what?!" The white tiger jumped up in amazement.

Even Suzaku ran over unbelievable. "Master, do you say this is a god-level medicine? But how is this possible? The sacred refining pharmacist can refine the god-level medicine, but let alone this small The Siamese mainland, even if it has been a **** domain, has not appeared in the ancestral refining pharmacist for many years? And this is obviously Wupin Dan medicine?"

Ji Mingxi threw the medicinal herbs to the white tiger, and for a moment, he said: "It is not a complete sacred medicinal herb, but it has certain characteristics of the sacred medicinal remedy. This medicinal drug has reached the level of God. The level of medicine."

Suzaku opened his mouth and stunned for a long while: "White Tiger, you just said that it is a young boy? He can now refine such a drug. If the strength continues to improve, how terrible is the future?" ”

"Right, know what his name is? Is it the son of the family? If it is good to recruit him to the temple!"

The white tiger is shaking his head: "This person, like the master, does not use the name in the refining domain, but instead uses the code name instead. His code in the refining domain is [zero seven], what exactly is it? The origins of identity have not been known yet."

Zhuque sighed and had to give up, of course, did not put this matter in his heart.

Ji Mingxi looked at the crowd below again, but his thoughts drifted slowly.

A few people did not expect that the next day, Ji Ming’s knowledge of the gods was slightly hot, and there was a reminder request from the spiritual field.

Ji Mingyu took out the jade slip of the refining spirit domain and saw the challenger information shown above.

"The master, someone has challenged you?" The white tiger saw the glowing jade slip on the side, and couldn't help but scream. "Who is this so self-sufficient, look for abuse?"

Qinglong also frowned: "The master, the strength of these people is far from your opponent, or not paying attention to it."

Ji Ming was silent for a moment, but Shen Shen said: "Accept."

As his low-pitched magnetic sound came out, Yu Jian quickly flashed another line of words, which was a reminder of the timing of the fighting skills challenge.

Qinglong and Baihu looked at each other and clearly saw the strangeness in the other's eyes.

They also watched the challenge of the last wave of swordsmen. It was boring. They thought that this time the master would refuse. Didn't expect the master to accept it again?

The white tiger couldn't stand it, and finally got his head and looked at the message.

Only this one eyes, but let him double eyes and rounds, it is difficult to set the channel: "Zero and seven to the master you challenge?! No, this zero seven, should not be the one that I thought of?"

Isn't it a medical singer, isn't it a refining pharmacist? How can I run to the fighting field? Moreover, should he only recently enter the refining domain? Where is the point that can challenge the first master?

White Tiger simply thinks that there are several people in the spiritual domain with the code number zero and seven.

"Master, is this zero-seven is not a physician? How can you challenge you? Can he still repair the soul? Is this impossible?"

The problem of the white tiger is like a cannon. The answer to him is that Ji Mingxi directly ignores leaving and regards him as the air.

In the moment of turning around, Ji Ming’s eyes also passed a deep thought.

Zero, seven, why did you challenge him?

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