The sound of mechanical and inorganic sound suddenly sounded over the battlefield, and suddenly awakened everyone in the field, including the embarrassment that was almost lost in the hot feelings of men.

She jerked back to God, and pushed open the meditation. The beautiful red face of the beautiful face could drip out of water. The slightly red and swollen lips were stuck with silver silk.

Ji Ming also no longer has the cold and arrogance of the past.

His clothes were smashed and smashed, and they were not closed again. The slightly open placket underneath, revealing a smooth and **** chest.

His lips are also glued to the silver wire, his eyes are burning and watching, and the corner of his eyes is dyed with a blush because of the burning emotion, which makes him a handsome face, even more fascinating.

Ji Mingqi stepped forward and wanted to talk, but he listened to his blushing face and said loudly: "I admit defeat!"

The sound of the machine sounded again. "The challenger confessed to the loss, the challenge failed, after deducting five thousand points, the current score is minus 4,792 points, the points are negative, and will be expelled from the refining domain. Month. After returning to the spiritual domain, you will be punished by the spirit of the soul. If you can't pay off the points within one year, you will be deprived of the qualification to enter the spiritual domain forever. Now start the expulsion!"

Ji Ming's face changed greatly, and the whole person got up and wanted to pull the girl not far away into her arms.

However, the eviction movement of the refining domain is faster than he imagined.

The figure of the young man dressed up in front of him faded a little, and finally disappeared in front of his eyes when his fingertips were about to touch.


Ji Ming screamed with anger, but he could only watch the person who was thinking of his heart disappear from his eyes.

The anger and unwillingness in the chest suddenly turned into a powerful pressure like a slap in the sky, and burst forth.

"Ah, ah, oh!" The screams of horror came from the audience.

In the battlefield, it seemed to usher in a landslide and tsunami-like shock. Then, the people who were still on the audience stage only felt dizzy in their minds. When they returned, they had been collectively expelled from the fighting field.

This moment, not only the fighting field, but even the entire refining domain seems to feel a strong threat, and gently tremble.

The monks and the warriors looked at them in horror and feared that there was any disaster.

In the fighting field, only Ji Ming is standing alone, his face is dark and cold, as if from the nine-day gods and devils, the world's ants can be completely destroyed.

Suddenly, a line of text popped up in front of him.

[Prison God, you can't do this! What is the benefit of ruining the spiritual domain? Are you still looking for the remains of the last generation of the Emperor? 】

The sneer of Ji Ming’s mouth evokes a faint sneer, as if taunting the threat of refining the spirit of the spiritual domain.

【and many more! and many more! You are not looking for the little girl? Although she disappeared from the spiritual domain, it does not mean that no one knows where she is! According to the regulations of the refining domain, I can't take the initiative to disclose the information of the little girl, but with your ability, as long as you inquire about it in the spiritual field, how can you not find her? 】

[Cough... It’s better to meet someone in the refining domain and catch people in reality. Isn’t it more suitable for you? 】

The text displayed in the void made Ji Ming’s almost violent mood, and finally calmed down.

He looked at somewhere coldly, and when he was almost stunned to escape, the figure slowly faded and disappeared into the battlefield.

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