Looking at the direction in which the young figure disappeared, I couldn’t help but smile and shook my head.

In the afternoon of the same day, he and the unknown rushed to the Yuanyuan City, and after picking up Anling, they rushed directly to Tianzhi Valley.

An Ling’s injury has completely healed, but he is full of heart and frowning. “Tianyi Valley cannot be absent without reason. No matter what reason, no absence from absence for more than three days will be expelled. Doctor Valley. Don't say that Chen will not spare me, even if they are willing to spare me, I can't wait any longer in Tianzhi Valley."

Anling’s own medical talent is good, and he is very enthusiastic about studying medicine. Now he can’t stay in Tianzhi Valley any more, and his heart is full of sadness and disappointment.

Hey, faintly said: "Do not worry, you will not be expelled from the Valley of Heaven."

"How could it not be expelled from the Heavenly Valley?" An Ling was crying and sorrowful. "Unless the Tutor of Tianzhi Valley protects me, I will be excused from my punishment, otherwise...Is there a tutor in Tianzhi Valley who is willing to I offended Chen? The background of Chen’s family is very powerful!”

He looked at him and smiled and didn't speak.


Early the next morning, he came to Tianji Valley Medical College with An Ling and He.

When they arrived at the door, the three were naturally stopped.

An Lingyi said: "Hey, here is the main entrance that only the instructor can enter and exit. Usually even elite students are not qualified to pass through here. If you want to go to the outer door, will I take you from the side door?"

He smiled and took a yellow jade card and handed it to the guard.

When the guard saw the jade card in his hand, he immediately showed a shocked look, and the whole person stood up straight.

More shocking than the guards is Anling, who stammered: "This... this is the jade card that the Tianjiu Valley tutor has. Hey you... How come you?"

He smiled shallowly: "Because I am the mentor of Tianzhi Valley!"

The entire Anling family, only Anling, who has never been back in Tianzhi Valley, did not know what was invited by Wen Jiaquan as a mentor.

An Ling尧 opened his mouth and couldn’t speak for a long time.

The guard took the yellow jade card and checked it for a long time. It was true, but I couldn't believe it when I looked at the age of the cockroach. Finally, under the reminder of the cockroach, one of them ran in and told Wen Jiaquan.

After a short tea time, Wen Jiaquan ran out in a hurry. As soon as he saw the cockroach, he immediately went forward to her enthusiasm. "Hey, you finally came, I thought you would not want to come to Tianzhan Valley." It!"

Said, quickly and enthusiastically greeted people.

The direct guards and An Ling's stunned eyes were stunned. When Anling took the threshold, it was even awkward and almost fell to the ground.

Only the unknown way of the whole process is cold, as if the body shape is hidden, and it seems to be chilly, not to put everything in this day in the eyes.

I don't know, at the moment she stepped into the Tianzhi Valley College, there was a man wearing a black robes, whose face was vague and invisible, and he also entered the scope of Tianzhi Valley.

Behind him is a beautiful woman in red, attracting countless attentions.

The two are Ji Ming and Suzaku.

Suzaku looked around and smiled and said: "The master, the subordinates have already checked, and the girl has just entered the outer door of Tianzhi Valley. You are going to the outer door to find her, or..."

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