In the beautiful valley, everyone worked together to create surprises for him. The man smiled and proposed to marry him, and promised the eternal vows of eternal life, the night stars, moonlight, and butterflies.

All of this seems to be in front of you, but suddenly it is so far away, like a dream bubble, disappearing without a trace.

Taking a deep breath and pressing down the pain of tearing my heart, I laughed and said: "Well, I can get together again after leaving, so it's good."

One day, this beautiful scene will return to her side. Most definitely!

"Oh, hey, Tianjie Valley College's enchantment is not free to pass? Are you already a medical school student? Haha, it is not unusual, your medical skills are so superb, let alone enter the Tianzhi Valley outside the door, It’s just that the inner door is a matter of course."

"Oh, no, if it’s a medical school student, can’t you pass the enchantment of our Lingwu branch?”

The enchantments of the various branches of Tianyi Valley are separate. There is no student's pass-through jade card, and they can't even enter.

He took a sip of wine and said lightly: "Well, I am not a medical student."

Not a student? How did you come in?

Everyone had a strange look on his face. He was about to ask, but he listened to her. "I am a mentor at the medical school."

"Hey--" Qian Dazhuang handed the cup to his mouth and fell.

Jin Zeyu, they are also open-mouthed, and they will not return to God for a long time.

"Guide... Mentor?! Medical school mentor?!"

Although Jin Zeyu is at Lingwu College, he is not a mentor who has not been exposed to medical school. There will also be a few days a month to give lectures to the instructors of the medical school and the Alchemy branch, mainly to make the students of Lingwu College better, thus serving the physicians and alchemists.

In Tianzhi Valley, the medical school and the alchemy branch are the main colleges, and the other branches are only auxiliary secondary branches.

Therefore, the medical school's mentor is particularly imposing, and many people at Lingwu College have been humiliated and scorned.

In the hearts of the Lingwu Academy, the medical school's mentor is extremely high, and most of them are old men who have lived nearly a hundred years old. However, now she even said that she is also a tutor of medical school?

After a long while, Qian Dazhuang suddenly patted his thigh and laughed. "Sure enough, it is our boss. Others have broken their heads in order to enter the Tianji Valley. The boss is a tutor, and only a teenager. Tutor... Hahaha, Boss, Medical School, the old man with a higher eye than the top sees you in, is it mad?"

He smiled and didn't speak.

Zhang Yan said with a bitter face: "Unfortunately, we have no talent for studying medicine, otherwise we will be able to mix with my brother like the former hospital branch."

Qian Dazhuang took a table and was excited: "Small two, come on wine, I am happy today, I must have a good time."

The table was too big, and the people next to him looked back and looked at him unpleasantly.

Qian Dazhuang still danced and danced all the time. He was shot by Chen Xiaofeng on the head of his slap: "Do you want to give a shame to you?", this stopped.

Those who are squinting and unhappy are seeing that they are no longer in trouble, and they have no longer taken care of them. They talked about themselves from the ground up.

"Hey, let's ignore those rude people. You just said that there are big people in the cloud family going to Tianzhi Valley in the past. Is it true? What kind of big man is the owner of the Yun family?"

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