Dry daughter? My biological daughter? The people couldn't help but feel excited about it.

In any case, the secret of such upper-level legends has made them have to yearn for.

As long as they can look at such a big person from afar, they all feel that there is no regret in this life.

Hearing this, he took back his attention and raised his brow slightly.

Yun Feifei... Hey, this name is familiar and seems to have been heard.

The memory is simple to search for, and I immediately think of it, isn't it in the refining domain because the five elements of the net Ling Dan and her disputed white woman?

Jin Zeyu saw the strange look of 奚玥, could not help but said: "Hey, what happened? You know the cloud family God of War?"

The two tables were very close. At the beginning, everyone might not have heard them when they were noisy, but they just quieted down the table, so Jin Zeyu also listened to the conversation just now.

He shrugged and shook his head. "How can I know? Just the cloud house..."

In addition to Yun Feifei, she also remembered the handsome boy in her class - Yun Wenjing.

The boy’s eyes seem to be clear, but in fact, he is a very difficult person to deal with!


I don’t know, the young Yun Wenjing, who is very difficult to deal with in her mind, is ugly and gathers with other students from the three classes of the doctors.

Jun Yibo looked at his arm with a cold face, only to see that the top is dense and red, and it looks very infiltrating.

What's even more ridiculous is that these small red dots become more and more visible to the naked eye over time and become the shape of a plum blossom.

Jun Yibo turned out to see a water mirror, the teeth biting, and I saw red spots on his face, although not so dense, but they all became the shape of plum.

It’s ridiculously ridiculous that a big man’s face is painted with so many red plums.

"What the **** is going on?!" Jun Hao Bo broke the water mirror, the water mist scattered in the air, wet the clothes of the people around, but no one cares.

Yun Wenjing calmly sighed and said: "I didn't expect that we still looked down on the kid. Ming Ming didn't even contact us, but we all had his way!"

"You mean that this ghost thing on our body is all that the **** got?"

Bai Ruoxi looked at the dense red plum in his hand and wanted to hit the wall. He had plum blossoms on his body. He said that he would not be afraid of horror.

Yun Wenjing said: "You go find the girl, especially the rice bran, let her come over!"

Soon, the girls of the three classes of the water doctor were also found, but only the rice bran was missing.

The situation of girls is not better than them, and plum blossoms are already blooming on their faces.

The girls are all beautiful, and now they have become like this ghost, and the pears that are crying are raining.

Only Meng Zisu looked calm and his eyes sparkled with sly light, but after seeing the appearance of Jun Bo and others, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Bai Ruoxi was depressed: "What smiles? What about rice bran? Let her come to detoxify us!"

Meng Zisu shook his head: "Mishao himself was poisoned, saying that she couldn't solve it. But half an hour ago, she suddenly said that there might be a way, and then she got into the refining pharmacy. It hasn't come out yet!"

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