Mi Fu said that he coughed a few times, and when he talked about it, he never had the scorn of the beginning. Instead, he had unlimited admiration and reverence. "In addition to [innocent point plum], mixed according to different proportions of elixir. It can also create [no pulse], [no heart], and those toxicities are much more terrible than [nothing is good]. And the solution of these mixed poisons, the mentors are also explained in the classroom. ”

“The tutor had said before leaving, that we should complete the homework after class. I think it is to let us follow the explanations in her class to formulate the antidote to [nothing to order plum] and relieve the toxins in our body.”

after class homework? !

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded, and they were so frightened that the poison for so long, the ridiculous plum spots, they were all arranged for their homework!

"Where is her mother, what does this kid think of us? Actually use the poison for us to do homework?!! This is clearly the face of everyone in our three classes of water medicine!"

"Bastard, this hatred is not reported, we are not the third class of the water doctor!"

In the room, there was a burst of anger and anger, and especially the most violent resentment of Bai Ruoqi’s new hatred.

Yun Wenjing sighed softly, it turned out to be homework!

Mi Fu took out the newly prepared antidote and gave it to everyone. While using a dull voice, he said: "Jun Shao, Bai Shao, in fact, this tutor is really real." Can you give me a hand..."

Bai Ruoxuan waved his hand and sneered: "Just kidding, the person who offended the young master still wants to retire. It's a dream!"

After Jun Yibo lifted the toxins from his body, he also gloomy face and looked at Yunwen Jing. "This is not the case."

Yun Wenjing smiled slightly and his eyebrows whispered: "Well, I know. I haven’t been so interested in a mentor for a long time. I believe this time I can play very well!"

After being shocked, it was a fighting spirit.

The three classes of water doctors have existed for so many years, and they have always been talked about by the outsiders of medical schools.

How could they easily fall into the hands of such a yellow-haired boy!


The next day, when he walked into the church, he stepped in his footsteps and raised his eyebrows, revealing a full expression.

There is a very light taste in the air, and if it is an ordinary person, it may not smell at all.

But who is it, she deals with drugs all the year round, not to mention the smell, even if it is colorless and tasteless, she can also perceive with a keen sense.

Yes, it seems that these little devils have new tricks, and obviously a lot better than yesterday's paragraphs.

In my heart, my thoughts flashed, but my face did not show up in the slightest. My look went to the front of the stage as usual, and activated the special array of lectures.

The slender figure of the jade, such as the jade, gently manipulated the front of the stage, and soon there was a kind of splendid grass with a variety of shapes behind her, and a colorful snake.

His gaze fell below, and today these boys and girls are sitting in danger and seem to be much better than yesterday.

However, as long as they look at their eyes, they can see how much gloating and excitement they have suppressed.

The corner of the mouth twitched slightly and said: "Today, let's talk about the fragrance."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone who was still waiting to see jokes was dumbfounded.

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