When the students approached, the talents found that what he took in his hand was... a belly pocket? !

"Hey ---" The people at the scene suddenly exploded.

Yan Mingming is a man, how can he find a dudou in her room? !

Does she really have any ulterior relationship with female students? !

Meng Baiya, who was acquainted with Ke Yanhuai, suddenly got up and exclaimed: "Ah, is this apron not my sister? How come...how?"

"Is it really Meng Susu? My God, is there a student's apron in the house of a mentor?"

"I said that the relationship between the two people is not normal. Now it seems that it is even more embarrassing than we think!"

"This kind of person must be expelled, and immediately expel Meng Zisu from the Heavenly Medical Valley, and he will be tried in the Correctional Hall!"

Wu Jinshui angered: "Dead white lotus, you don't want to squirt blood? Why do you say that the apron is perilla?"

Meng Baiya's eyes are full of tears, and she cried: "I also hope that my sister is good, but I can't lie on my conscience. You don't believe, you can look at the inside of the apron, embroidered with silver letters inside. My sister and I. The close-fitting clothes are made by Mengjia embroidery mother. My is a Mengzi embroidered with gold thread, and my sister uses a silver thread. I don't believe you can look for other sister's personal clothing."

The eyes of everyone looked at Meng Zisu.

I saw Meng Zisu's face pale, his eyes staring at the apron, his eyes full of despair and death.

This expression is almost equal to the default.

Yu Chang looked at him and said: "What else can you say?"

I haven't had time to talk yet, Mei Shuhai has sneered: "Hey, you just said that you have to have evidence to be willing to go to the disciplinary hall? Now that the certification is complete, what else do you have to say?"

Wen Jiaquan said urgently: "Things have not been fully clarified. How can you convict you?" Hey, you tell them that you have never done this kind of thing."

"Wen Wen, you shouldn't argue for this kind of person any more." Liang Elder, who had never been born, suddenly looked at Meng Zisu with a disgusted look and looked cold and cold. "I believe that these two people are awkward and Because of Dr. Li’s testimony."

Dr. Li? The three classes of the water doctor quickly remembered. Dr. Li was not completely miserable by them before he died. Finally, he fled the medical school and ran to the old man at the Dan Pharmaceutical College.

Just then, a middle-aged man suddenly came out of the crowd.

His appearance should look only in his forties, but his hair is gray and his face is vicissitudes and fear.

Especially when I saw the group of the three doctors of the water doctor, I was shivered in horror.

However, remembering the humiliation that he had been subjected to, Dr. Li stood still and pointed at Meng Zisu. "This woman is simply a sinister, sinister, shameless stream. I taught the three classes of hydrologists. I just want to be a good teacher. I didn't expect this woman to seduce me three times and four times. I still poisoned my spiritual tea. Although I don't have any thoughts about her, but... still her. The road... The people in the three classes of the water doctor are all devils. No one is a good thing. Each of them should not stay in Tianzhi Valley. They should all be driven out!"

Elder Liang walked over and patted Dr. Li's shoulder and comforted him.

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