"That is to say! This person, Dr. Mei, is so shameless. Fortunately, I am not a student in his class, otherwise I feel embarrassed to go out."

The buzzing voices were introduced into the ears of the class of the hydrologists. They were all students of Mei’s doctors. In the past, this identity made them arrogant and tall in front of others.

However, at this time, they felt ashamed and difficult to find a hole in the hole.

These arguments were not light, and Yu Changlao, Liang Elder, and Dr. Mei all heard them. The other mentors also heard that all the mentor's faces were ugly.

Yu Chang was originally thinking of driving the cockroach out of the Heavenly Medicine Valley, so that he would not have to pay the monthly condensed fruit.

Other instructors are standing on the side of Meshuhai, and most of them are like this. If you are found guilty, then the condensate will be divided equally by them. Involved in the interests, of course, know how to stand up.

However, none of them thought that this embarrassment would be so powerful, not only revealed the identity of their woman at the most critical moment, but also prepared for it, even using the shadow stone to record the key evidence.

Yu Changchang gritted his teeth and said: "Hey, you are the mentor of Tianzhi Valley. Everything should be based on the reputation and interests of the college. I know that you have been wronged, but there is no actual loss. If you know how to I will give you a step back. You are here to swear at you, and your reputation is damaged. Of course, I will make a punishment. His tutor level will drop by one level. So you should always be satisfied?"

I haven’t talked yet, and Jin Zeyu has been cold and cold: “If the sin of the sin is judged to be true, will she still only lower the level of the tutor? If not, how can you be satisfied with such a penalty?”

"Yes! Didn't Dr. Mei want to let our mentor accept the punishment of the gods and whiplashes? Since it is now found to be framed, he should be subject to the same punishment!"

Yu Chang did not care about the shouting of the people next to him, but just stared at him. "Hey, you should know that this year our medical school will have two qualifications for promotion to the inner door tutor. I know that you have outstanding medical skills and you can take it. A quota is reserved for you. But the premise is that you must give priority to our medical school and do nothing to damage the reputation of our branch."

This is already a red-naked threat.

For Yu Chang, Xi Feiyang’s life and death, he does not care, but if Mei Shuhai was taken to the disciplinary hall, it would damage the reputation of the medical school and affect his performance this year.

The most important thing is that in this matter, he and Liang Elder can't completely clarify the relationship, so even if it is coercive and tempting, he must let the 奚玥 agree not to pursue this matter.

He said with an understatement: "What if I still have to pursue it?"

"I don't know how to be good!!" Liang Elder couldn't help but scream, "Hurricism, greed, little girl, you will pay for your decision."

"That is, the elders have made such a heavy profit, and she is still not satisfied. In the end, it is young and sturdy. If you don't know how to be good, you will receive it!"

"This time, isn't she too arrogant to make it out? Mei is just like giving her a little lesson."

Yu Changchang looks like a cold star, and Yin Sensen said: "I am the elder of the medical branch. I am the principal. Now I declare that this is the end of the matter, no one can mention it."

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