The voice of Qian Da Zhuang’s laugh is like Hong Zhong, and they are brought out by Jin Zeyu.

Seeing the unknown mouth slightly provoked, like a smile, not knowing why, everyone is chilling.

Jin Zeyu quickly fell down and said: "Big, don't say it."

Qian Dazhuang stopped knowing and laughed at him. He stared at him.

Unknown faint road: "What?"

"My brother went to take the condensed fruit, and the six condensed fruit, which was originally deserved by his brother, they are not willing to give it today. It is really shameless."

Unknown blinked, did not answer, looked at Qian Dazhuang, "You have told me what happened today."

Qian Dazhuang feels that both himself and the unknown should be regarded as awkward younger brothers. The two are in an equal position.

How does this person talk to himself every time with a commanding tone?

He was willing to express his dissatisfaction, but he immediately said what happened today to the unknown eyes.

After he said it, he couldn't help but angered: "This medical school is too fucking, and the doctor who is trapped in the cockroach is completely okay. I heard that Meng Baiya did not punish him. He even sent it to the disciplinary hall. Flying, and because of his family's people to protect, so in the end it was only an innocence to punish an hour, and finally dropped out."

The more the unknown, the more the smile of the corner of the mouth is, the more embarrassing it is, but the smile is clear, and the body is wearing a red dress like a fire, but the atmosphere of the whole body is cold and the people are retreating.

When I finished the money, I didn’t say a word, and I turned and left.

Jin Zeyu quickly took him and said: "What are you going to do? You have to stay in the college. If you have anything to do, you will probably get tired of her."

I don’t see any movements in the unknown. The red robes are separated from Jin Zeyu’s hands.

The corner of his mouth evoked a cold smile, and his face was covered by a mask, but this smile, with the peach eyes of the wind, but with the charm of the soul.

"The people who moved me want to pay no price? Don't dream!"

The words have not finished, the people have disappeared in place.

Jin Zeyu looked at the empty palm, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

The unknown attitude towards confrontation does not seem to be like a younger brother to my sister!


Mei Shuhai returned to his hospital and fell behind, and he squandered everything.

Today, I thought that I was dying, and I was sure that I was ruined. I could not be a physician.

However, I did not expect that the final turn of the peak, bursting out her identity.

Hey, the monk is actually a woman! ! And I have been with her face to face for so long, I did not even see it!

"This monk must be removed!"

Mei Shuhai hurriedly rushed out his disciples and servants, and he kept pace in the room, thinking about countermeasures.

"A woman in a district should be at home to teach her son, and she should lie down under the man. Why should she pass the assessment of the life and death hall? Why should I be a physician?"

"Yes, I must let her stay in Tianzhi Valley, repair it as a total waste, and then let her become my imprisonment. Look at that face, men are so handsome, if you become a women's clothing, you can be It’s fascinating...”

Mei Shuhai thought of the night from noon, and one vicious thought came out of her mind.

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