The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2044: Help one (seek ticket)

He shook his fist and turned to look at him. After sinking for a long time, he walked a few steps: "I have already asked my father. He told me to tell you: I am really glad that you are still alive, and I must invite you. Go to Shenyue Palace and let me entertain you. What is your relationship with my father?"

Suddenly he thought of something. "Is my father's illness cured?"

I didn't talk, just smiled.

Song Yu stunned his hand and his face was red. "I don't care what you have with my father, but listening to my father's tone is to treat you as a forgotten year. Then, since you are my father's My friend, who is also a tutor of Perilla, can be considered my elder, so... should you help me anyway? How can I let Perilla accept me?"

The mouth is twitching, and I can’t say a word for a long time.

By the way, this guy is now in his teens, and he is so embarrassed to say that he is his elder?

Really for the sake of picking up girls, what kind of exercise is not going to be! Elders, you are a man!

He took a deep breath and pressed down his impulse to swear, and snarled him: "How do you want me to help you?"

"Of course, I said good things in front of the purple sage!" Song squinted and smiled. "If there is any trouble with the sable, you must inform me, don't help yourself, she is now Enough to worship you, let me also give her a good impression!"

He turned over his eyes, and he ignored the cheeky guy and turned away.

I don’t know how the people of Huiyue’s sages are so stable, how can they give birth to such a rogue son.

Song Yu looked at the back of the school that disappeared at the entrance of the schoolhouse. He said: "In the end, I will not agree, and I will not give a reply."

When I walked out of the school building, I saw three people who were thinking outside the door.

Song Yu stopped and said: "There is a lot of injustice and darkness in this world, but not everyone is not trustworthy. Jun Yibo, Yun Wenjing, Bai Ruoyu, you have been immersed in the past for too long, It’s time to come out and move on.”

Jun Haobo's face is as dark as water, and he sighs directly to the next sentence: "Roll-!", and turns away directly.

Yun Wenjing looked at the back of Jun Zibo and sighed softly. He nodded to Song Song and pulled it to Bai Ruoxi and turned away.

Only Bai Ruoyi still has a few monks and two monks who can't figure out what to do, and drag the scorpion. "What are you doing? You are not going to investigate what happened in the class these days? Why are you dragging me away?"


The dormitory of the Water Doctor Branch.

When Jun Zibo heard Wu Jinshui’s words, he suddenly stood up and could not set the channel: “What do you say? Is it a woman?”

"I rely on relying on it!" Bai Ruoyi also smashed from the chair. "How is this possible?! There are only a handful of women doctors in the whole day, and he is a medical sage. He is a mentor of Tianji Valley. Ah, how can it be a woman?"

Wu Jinshui smiled and said: "We were too hard to believe at first. I am afraid that if it is not to prove innocence, the instructor will not announce the truth until the end. But when I think of other instructors who have swallowed the flies, I want to laugh. Hahaha... The tutor is really amazing."

Jun Yibo slowly sat down on the chair and did not speak for a while.

Yun Wenjing is relatively calm. "Jin Shui, you have told us what happened in these days."

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