Suddenly, Fang Yue squinted and cried silently.

There are other students who are also crying. Some of them are tilting their heads to prevent tears from falling down; some are holding their mouths and not letting the sound of whimper come out.

Wu Jinshui suddenly said loudly: "Hey, hey, you can rest assured, we will listen carefully. And what you teach, we will swear to keep secret, as long as you do not allow, we absolutely no one will say it. Who dares To say it out is to be an enemy of our entire class of three doctors."

At the end, Wu Jinshui smiled and looked at Junbo. "Jun Shao, Yun Shao, Bai Shao, are you saying?"

Jun Yibo and Yun Wenjing looked at him and there was no objection.

As for Bai Ruoqi, this guy is still open-mouthed, in an extreme shock, watching his eyes look like a monster.

In the church, there was a sound of one after another. "Yes, we will never pass it out."

"Who dares to say it, we will kill him!"

Hey: "..." I didn't say that I can't be rumored!


Two hours passed quickly and the class time was up.

Students and tutors from other classes have left the teaching and teaching areas.

However, when passing by the three classes of the doctors, they were shocked.

I saw that I had already passed the class time. The three classes of the Aquatic Doctors were still sitting in their own positions. The most exaggerated thing is that these people did not even have a small gap, but they were extremely serious.

When I finished the lecture today, I was leaving, but the students of the three classes of the water doctor immediately rushed up, not letting her go, and squatting one by one to let her take a few more classes.

At this point, the virtual station removed the spar, and the enchantment of the three classes of the water doctor also opened.

So the outside mentor and students heard the conversation inside.

"Hey, mentor, let's talk for a while, then talk about it for a while, I'm not quite addicted yet!"

"Oh, why is this school's course only one morning medical class, and why is it practiced in the afternoon? This arrangement is too unreasonable. It should be a day for the tutor to teach us."

The students and mentors outside were stunned: God, is this the three classes of the doctors who never listened carefully and never learned the devil? Are they all taken over?

He is also crying and laughing. He is trying to persuade everyone to go back and digest what is taught today. Suddenly a burst of screams came from far away.

"Hey, you murderer, get out of me. I want you to kill and pay!!"

The voice was the voice of a middle-aged man, but he was extremely hoarse and stunned, and he was shocked by the mentor and students in the medical teaching area.

"What happened? How do I hear someone say that the tutor is a murderer?"

"This voice is a bit familiar, like Chen Tangzhu from the outer door?"

The three classes of the water doctors are also looking forward to the embarrassment, "Guide, what happened? Is anyone looking for trouble?"

He is also quite a bit strange, Chen Tangzhu? It was Chen Hongsen who had bought a house in Tianfu City and had a conflict. Later, because of the escalation of the conflict between Mrs. Bai Shao’s doctor, and finally asked her to hurt her nephew on the Tianzhu station?

Oh, it’s been so long, she has forgotten this person.

"Teacher, who dares to ruin you so much, eat the bear heart and leopard, let us teach you for him."

"No need." I seem to think of something, the smile on my face is a bit secretive. "Let's go and see."

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