The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2069: Not killing me (seeking a ticket)

Everyone was talking about it, and suddenly a figure rushed over like a gust of wind.

"Second brother, second brother, they said that the sword is dead? Is it true? Is this a lie to me?"

Chen Hongan rushed into the crowd panting, grabbing Chen Hongsen.

The clothes on his body were full of dust, and it was apparent that it was washed directly from the retreat.

When Chen Hongsen saw him, he immediately cried and said: "Big brother, I am incompetent. I can't protect my sword. I even watched and killed my nephew! I am sorry for you, big brother..."

Chen Hongan released his hand and stepped back two steps, then violently rushed toward the horrible body next to him.

Pulling open the corpse of the corpse and seeing the birthmark of the chest, Chen Hongan was not lucky in his heart. He couldn’t help but cry and cry. "Sword, my sword, how can you die so badly? What do you do if you die for your father?"

The old man’s hoarse crying made the people around him unable to listen, and some girls were still red-eyed.

Suddenly, Chen Hongan stood up fiercely and pointed at the big shout: "Hey, I have no complaints with you in the past. There is no hate today. Why are you so poisonous and killing my son?!"

After Chen Hongan’s failure to attack the medical sage again, he took a vacation and rehabilitated the soul.

But for some things happening in the college, he still knows one or two. For example, the college invited a 19-year-old medical sage as a mentor, such as Mei Shuhai died.

He didn't like the most talented young doctor in the history of Siam, but he didn't want to provoke it. But who thought that he would not provoke, he actually killed his son.

I looked at Chen Jian’s body and said faintly: “People are not killing me. Who is going to die and who is going to go!”

Chen Hongsen shouted: "Do you dare say that you didn't beat the sword in the ring? I didn't expect you to be so vicious at the young age, but I have a good future, so I was ruined by you!" ”

It’s like laughing and laughing: “I’m yelling at you in the ring? If I’m not mistaken, it’s already more than half a month ago? If it’s really dying, how can you bring it now? Calling the body to shout?"

"Still, in the past two months, you have been treating you with deaf children. As a result, the doctors have been mistaken and the people have been killed. So I want to put the crime on my head?"

" are nonsense, you are bloody!!" Chen Hongsen was flustered in a moment, but he quickly reacted, hysterically saying, "It’s obviously you hurt me." Heavy, but also shamelessly wiped the poison on the sword, we did not find this poison at first, I thought that my child's injury would be a little better. Who knows, who knows yesterday suddenly poisonous episodes, I The nephew is so miserable!"

"Even if it is a test of the downfall, are you using such a hot thing? I have already made my nephew a serious injury, and even the ribs have broken a few, you have not let him go, but also poisoned him. Others say the doctor Benevolence, you are poisonous, and people like you are qualified to be doctors?"

At the beginning, Chen Hongsen still had some sighs. In the end, it was more and more smooth, and his face was full of grief and indignation.

The onlookers also looked at the Chen family.

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