The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2073: Shadow ambassador

"You can't say that." Wu Jinshui yelled, "Don't forget that we had some small poisons in the first place, looking for you doctors to detoxify, but no one has solved it. You are sure that your medical skills are higher. We are instructors? What proof do you have?"

The crowd was divided into two factions at this time.

Some people say that 奚玥 medicine is really superb. The rumored that Mrs. Bai Shao’s wife had children, but many people in the medical profession know.

Some people say that they are only a few years old, and Chen Jianyi is poisoned and dead. How could it be spiritual reversal?

The noisy voice was introduced into the old man's mouth. Actually, some people said that they were not as good at medical skills, otherwise they would not be able to cure Mrs. Bai Shao.

The elders who are arrogant are shaking around.

I think what level he is now, the peak of the medical fairy, the next year will hit the medical sanctuary, the inner door tutor has a place he has booked. Nowadays it is actually compared with a yellow-haired girl?

This is his shameful shame! If you don’t fight back today, where is his face going? After entering the inner door, where can I still lift my head?

The elders took a deep breath and sneered at him. "Well, do you want the evidence? Then I will show you the evidence to see who is better at the doctor!"

As soon as the words were finished, the elders picked up their sleeves and showed their arms. Soon on the back of his hand, there was a six-leaf wicker mark - that is the symbol of the medical fairy.

What shocked everyone was that on the top of the wicker, the elder's arm actually showed a mark, a dark red mark of a six-pointed star.

"Ah-! It’s a shadow!"

"Oh my God! This is really a shadow!"

"Shadows make it, that is the contract that the monk can sign! I didn't expect Yu Chang, a medical singer, to have a shadow!" This is simply shocking!"

"The elders have never been exposed in our outer doors. Many people say that his medical skills are not comparable to those of Mei and Wen. But now it seems that this is a rumor! You can sign a shadow in the medical immortal. The person who made it, but it was very rare, could not find a few."

"The elders are too powerful! Just need to prove who is right and who is wrong with the diagnosis? A doctor with a shadow ambassador has already proved his strength!"

And as the six-pointed star suddenly became brighter and brighter, a person in the sky not far away flew over here like a lightning bolt.

Everyone only felt that a powerful force belonging to the monks came to the surface, so that everyone could scream and move.

When I came back, there was already a man who was kneeling on the floor and bowed to the elders. "Physician, what do you have to tell?"

As soon as I saw the coming of the people, everyone in the audience was lost.

"Oh my God, isn't this the Chengtian River senior in our Qingyun world? The one-handed rain sword of the predecessors of the predecessors makes it so fascinating that it can be ranked in the top 50 in the entire Qingyun world. Such people will actually and Yu Chang Signing a shadow to make a contract?!"

"I heard that Cheng Tianhe was seriously injured in the war with the monks in the previous years. He was dropped into a small realm and later did not come out for a long time. Perhaps for this reason, he will sign with the doctor. Shadow Blessing makes the contract. After all, this kind of injury of the monk needs to be treated with long-term remedy for a long time. It is a bottomless pit."

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