When such a big thing happened, Yan Shenming couldn’t just look at the invitation, but he had no choice but to talk to him: "Look at the doctor, let us go and see."

The dark mans flashed and nodded.

Yan Shenming and Yan walked side by side, laughing: "The doctor does not have to be so polite, if you don't want to be in the big, call me a big brother, the doctor's name is too alienated, I will call you later how to ?"

Some people are not used to this self-cooked posture, especially the other party is a high-powered person like Shen Ming.

But she didn't say anything, just smiled a little.

The students behind him are all looking away from Shen Ming, and their eyes are full of admiration and admiration.

"There is no such thing as a person who is so amiable."

"Well, I am so envious, I can be appreciated by the doctors."

Yun Feifei bit his teeth and stepped forward, seemingly unintentional: "Teacher, do you want to add a younger brother to Feifei and the brothers?"

Nowadays, it is still dressed as a man, and everyone outside the door knows the identity of the woman, but Yun Feifei and Yan Shenming have not specifically told them.

Yan Shenming shook his head and smiled: "The doctor's medical skills are very high, let him be my apprentice, I can't afford it."

However, it is a medical sage. The level of alchemy is even more than a normal level. What is great? Why did Master even look at him so much?

Yun Feifei's body was stunned, his cold eyes glanced at him, but he slowly retreated.

Several people soon came to the residence of Yu Chang.

When I saw the elders who had already died in the house, everyone took a breath.

Because the scene in front of me is too bloody, too shocking.

The students were quickly isolated from the house and prevented from continuing to contact the horrific crime scene.

But Rao is a well-informed teacher. At this time, it is also white, and there seems to be something in the stomach.

The elders of Liang looked at the corpse of the elders, and the twisted, wide-eyed face full of horror, and angered: "Who? Who killed the elders in the end? Whose means? It’s so vicious!”

"This... How do I feel that this means of afflicting people is a bit familiar? At the beginning, Dr. Mei seemed to be as miserable as dead."

Some of the mentor said a low voice.

The elder Liang was like a man who was awakened by a word, and suddenly looked up with red eyes and bowed his eyes. "Hey, did you do it? This time it is you who killed the elders, right?"

There is no change in the look of 奚玥, faintly said: "Do you have evidence?"

"You -! What evidence is needed for this?! Dr. Mei offended you and was killed by you. Meng Baiya and Xi Feiyang offended you and you were killed. Chen Hongsen offended you and was killed by you. Only the rest is left. Elder, do you dare say that it is not your hand?"

Yan Shenming frowned: "Liang elders, what do you mean by this? Why do you say that you killed the elders?"

Elder Liang was full of grief and indignation. He said deeply: "If you are a medically respected person, you don't know. Yu Chang has been at this door for many years. He has always had no disputes with others. The only time he has had more than one conflict, there is only harmony. ”

"And, a few days ago, another sergeant, Mei, who was in conflict with our outside door, also died suddenly, and the death was miserable and was hung on the house. This is clearly a revenge... They didn't avenge others. Except you, who else would treat them so cruelly?"

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