However, the toxicity of this two-color poisonous cockroach is very terrifying. As long as it is bitten by this poisonous insect, it will become red and swollen. In a short period of time, it will be paralyzed by hands and feet. It will take three days to heal.

It is a horrible poison that is not fatal but can be unpleasant.

Yan Shenming looked at the two-color drug lord whose palm was dead. He sighed with a sigh of relief: "I don't know who raised the two-color drug lord in the Tianzhi Valley. Fortunately, you didn't get bitten, otherwise..."

When Shen Shenming’s words were not finished, suddenly a fierce sword slashed through the sky and headed for Yu Shenming.

"Ah, Master is careful!" Xiao Muyu was discolored.

However, Yan Shenming was unusually calm. He took his hand and did not loosen it. He was slightly sideways, and the other hand smashed into a shield, and he sneaked into the sword, and the sword was quickly stopped. It disappeared without a trace.

"Who? In the Heavenly Medical Valley, dare to be patient with the doctor, is it impatient?"

Xiao Muyu shivered and swayed in the direction of the attack.

I saw that there stood a look that was not only seventeen or eight years old, but a handsome boy with a bit of evil charm.

At this time, the juvenile held a long sword in his hand, and his eyes stared at the hand that Shen Ming took hold of the shackles. The dark and dark eyes made people shudder.

Yan Shenming let go of his hand and glanced at it, making sure that he was not hurt, only to look at the teenager, only slightly silent for a moment before gently sighing: "Jun Hongbo."

Xiao Muyu also saw the coming of the people, suddenly his face changed greatly, almost unable to resist the identity of his elite disciples, yelling loudly: "Jun Hongbo, you crazy, what do you want to do? Dare to dare to Master, you live not Are you tired?"

Jun Hongbo didn't even look at him, but looked at Yan Ming, his eyes slightly reddened. "I warn you, stay away from you!!"

"Hongbo, you calm down!" Not far away, Yunwen Jing and Bai Ruoxi rushed to run.

Yun Wenjing grabbed Jun Hongbo and took the sword in his hand. His eyes swept over Shen Ming and Xiao Muyu, with the coldness of Sen Han.

Bai Ruo cursed and his face quickly raged, as if the next moment would rush.

Yan Shenming saw the three people, frowned, and then sighed softly: "Hongbo, Wenjing, Ruoqiang, now, why are you still misunderstanding me?"

He said, he looked aside, with a bit of bitterness and helplessness on his face: "Oh, sorry, I and the three students are old knowledge, but some misunderstandings. I didn't expect to be involved in you today." ""

"What misunderstanding?" Xiao Muyu said coldly. "There are simply three people who are ungrateful, such as Jun Hongbo, Yun Wenjing, and Bai Ruoyi. The pigs and dogs are not as good. When I was at the inner door, how was my master good for them? How to dig your lungs? But what about them? Not only did they misunderstand Master, but they even shouted and killed the Master. Now they dare to directly work with Master! People like you are also assigned to Heavenly Medicine Valley? I am!"

"I am now the acting elder of the medical school. Now I will drive the three of you out of the Valley of Heaven in the name of the elders!"

"I am going to your mother!" Bai Ruo snorted and couldn't help himself. He rushed straight toward Xiao Muyu. "Xiao Muyu, you are a running dog, give me death! What is your qualification to **** with Lao Tzu?" Hey?"

Yun Wenjing’s eyes were fast, and he pulled him, and he said: “Calm down!”

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