Let the unknown armor and others go to Tianfu City to resettle them.

In fact, it is only a day's distance to go to Tianfu City. It is reasonable to say that the unknown should have come back soon.

However, the unknown disappeared and disappeared for several days.

The unknown looked at her deeply. "You don't have anything else to ask me? For example, where have I been in the past few days?"

He picked up his eyebrows and crossed him, and he took it for granted: "Why should I ask? For me, as long as you have nothing to do, it will be enough to return safely."

Unknown, then the corner of the mouth under the mask slowly evokes a brilliant arc.

He looked up and looked around, really a boring place that made him tired.

However, such a boring place, just because there is a person, just because you live here, so it is different, so he will come back anyway.

Going straight to the beast, I looked down and looked at my guess, "Oh?"

The beastly beast’s voice was screaming, and no matter whether it was blood on his head or not, he groaned in her arms.

The pair of bronze bells seemed to be full of grievances and complaints.

Really? ! The savage beast that I saw in the palace of Ji Ming? !

This time, I was really shocked. She also refused to ask other people. She quickly worked on the wood and used it for treatment.

Fortunately, the bruises are not heavy. Unknown hands have always liked to torture people from the outside, so those who were injured by him, as long as they were not fatally wounded, always looked miserable and suffered a lot, but in fact It will soon be cured.

Unknown slowly walked over and squatted down beside him, as if he was indifferent: "The embarrassment of one of the four great beasts of ancient times, greedy, ferocious, morphable, no inner, but fine, if Excavate its fineness, and when you eat it, you can become a monk in the blink of an eye."

After a chill, he grinned and screamed at the unknown.

He laughed and said: "Unknown, don't make trouble, it is my friend. What's more, although Jingjing can improve people's strength and no side effects in a short time, it will be accompanied by the attributes of the original master. I don't want to grow out. The horns, the scales on the body, or the casks that only know how to eat."

Unknown to see the ugly look, then look at the face that is still in the face of the country under the cover of Yi Rong, immediately nod: "All the fine is not for you."

Hey: "........."

The ridicule was enough, and the sly hand was also collected.

The injury on the body was already seven or eighty-eight, and even the original internal injuries were combed with wood spirit.

It was just an anger and a grievance and a dying beast. When the pain disappeared, it was immediately resurrected in the same place, and the circle was circling around the cockroach. The big belly also made a loud snoring, and the eyes were full of eagerness.

Hey, crying and laughing, asked: "Hey, how come you are here?"

After a pause, she coughed again, seemingly unintentionally: "Is your master letting you come over? Others?"

With his head in his head, he blinked his eyes.

Unknown also slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at you. "Do you know his master? Who is the master of the ancient beast?"

奚玥 奚玥 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青

Unknown dissatisfaction, "Hey!"

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