"And my men will tell the people who have come over, you have been there, but have already left, and they have taken them three."

His face changed slightly, and his eyes were filled with chill.

Yan Shenming reached out and gently hooked her hair, softly said: "Is it already guessed? Isn't it? As long as the three people are not dead, this reason is enough, no matter how the three people complain, it is fundamental. No one will dare to find out about this kind of medical deity. And you... even if something really happened, it was smashed and killed? Oh, it can only blame your life, the murderer has another No one will doubt me!"

In the claustrophobic space.

Jun Hongbo's eyes were red, biting his teeth, and the scene outside, the bloodshot oozing from his mouth.

Bai Ruo slammed the front of the seemingly transparent barrier, and again and again, the sleepy beast-like sputum in the throat, but it did not affect the man-made outside.

Yun Wenjing closed his eyes desperately, and there was no trace of blood on his pale face. The hand hanging on his side was clenched and clung, and there were blood drops between the fingers.

"娄申鸣,娄申鸣!! I swear, wait for me to go out, even if I give up all, even if I am with you, I must have your blood debt to pay!!" The hoarse and broken voice overflowed from the lips of Jun Hongbo, obviously The words that threaten the curse are full of helplessness.

His gaze fell on his face, and the blurred vision seemed to see the horror, fear and despair in the girl's eyes.

For many years, they exiled themselves outside the Tianzhi Valley.

In the three classes of the water doctors, they looked at the same people who were frustrated with them. While enduring the suffering of their hearts, they used arrogance to cover up their inner fragility and loneliness.

They thought that everyone would be like this for a lifetime, but they came.

This girl, who is younger than all of them, opened the door for them in just a few months.

Let the desperate people of the three classes of the water doctor suddenly discover that they can also become stronger, and they did not use self-exile.

Jun Hongbo still remembers the first time when he saw the cockroach, the cute face of the girl’s face.

Even if she was killed, she was framed by Yu Chang and Mei Shuhai, and she did not shrink back.

But now... If you have encountered something like the chanting, can your smile return to the original?

No, maybe you will choose death directly, like you.

why? Why did they not be able to protect their chanting in the past, and now that they have passed so many years, they are still useless! !

What have the three of them done in these years? !

If he is not letting himself spend his time in Heavenly Medicine Valley, if he chooses to go back to the Jun family to fight for power, is he now capable of fighting against Shen Shen, is he not going to suffer such humiliation?

The blood in Jun Hong Bo has deeper and deeper, and the light in the eyes is getting darker and darker.

Just when his heart was almost filled with bloody, dark, and violent madness, a girl’s voice suddenly came from outside.

It is a kind of voice that is completely different from the panic, weakness and weakness.

"So, no matter what happens in this room, no sixth person knows, is it?"

Alchemy room.

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