Jun Hongbo slammed his fists and muttered: "We are really stupid. It should be obvious that we have a little thought, but we all thought that he was really just too tired. He even suggested that Can you change a tutor, can you leave the Tianji Valley... With the temperament of a small thought, how painful and desperate he is, he will say these words. It’s ridiculous that we are self-proclaimed by his brother and have taken his life-saving Well, nothing has been found."

In the past few years, I often wake up at midnight, and Jun Hongbo will see the scenes of the scene, as well as the sound of the juvenile but hoarse and dumb.

- Little thoughts, what is the injury on your body? Why is your face always so pale recently? No, I will take you to the doctor.

- Brother, I am a physician myself. Nothing, these injuries are left when I practiced. I am just too tired. It will be fine in a few days... It will be fine.


- Jun brother, Yun brother, Tianzhi Valley... Is it allowed to change the tutor?

- Change to a mentor? No special circumstances, should not be allowed? What happened to the little thoughts?

- I... Can I not be a disciple of the medical sage, can I change to a teacher? Or, even if I leave Tiantian Valley, it doesn't matter.

- Little thought, have you had a fever? How can you talk nonsense? You are the most powerful and amiable physician in Tianzhi Valley, and he is also a refining pharmacist at Tianshi. You follow him and the future is boundless. Is it because the recent refining drugs are too tired? So you want to retreat? It’s better for me to talk to my doctor, let him relieve some of your classwork.

- No... No, don't go! I am fine, I... nothing.


- Little thought, why has your face become paler and more recently? Is it really just hard to practice and study medicine?

- I am fine, nothing is there... As long as you are all good... I don’t care about anything...


- Jun brother, this remedy for you and Yun brother, white brother.

- This... Is this a mysterious medicine? Is it the medicine of the doctors? However, Xiao Nian, Xuan-class medicinal medicine is rarely refining even if it is a medical remedy. It is extremely precious in the whole Tianzhi Valley. How can you give it to us? Keep yourself taking it.

- No, I don't want it. They make me feel sick.

- What do you say about Xiao Nian?

- Brother, you need this medicine more than I do, will you accept it? This is the only thing I can do for you now!

Time and time again, Xiao Nian revealed various flaws in front of them and even sent a distress signal, but they did not find it.

Until, Su Niansheng gave birth to that day.

The three people of Jun Hongbo wanted to give Su Nian a surprise, so they carefully prepared a gift and secretly hid in the Su Nian room, waiting for him to come back.

But who knows, it is not just Su Nianyi who is waiting for him, but with Su Nianqi entering the door together, the moment when the door is closed, he reveals the original purpose of Shen Ming.

Yan Shenming pushed Su Nianqi down on the bed and directly smashed his clothes, and he bullied him.

The three people of Jun Hongbo hid in the dark and watched this scene all scared, until the handcuffs of Yan Shenming were on the white skin of Su Nian, Su Nian’s painful embarrassment, the three talents came back and realized what happened.

Looking at the traces of the green, purple and purple on the exposed skin of Su Nian, where is the bruise of the injury, which is clearly the symbol of the shame of fortune.

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