The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 2144: Aroma (seeking a ticket)

Unknown, I also intended to throw the cockroaches directly out, but the nose suddenly swayed and looked at the strange direction. "What is that?"

His gaze stared at the jug in his hand, and there was a hint of sorrow and embarrassment.

I am helpless and laughed: "It's wine. I brewed wine for some years. This stupid bird became like this after drinking."

She took this altar wine, mainly to confirm that this wine will not hurt Xiaohong.

I heard that it was wine, or the wine that I brewed by myself. I was so excited. "Hey, hey, I want to drink, I want to drink your wine!"

I glanced at it and didn't have a good breath: "You didn't see what Xiaohong was drunk like? Didn't know if it hurts the body, if you are drunk again, I don't want to be busy?"

"How can I get drunk?" He was a casual temper on weekdays. Hearing this sentence, he jumped up and shouted, "I am a beast, or a beggar, there is nothing I can't eat under the sun. There is nothing more to make me drunk. Hey, please, let me drink."

After a while, I checked the little red bird and made sure that it didn't matter. I was helpless. "Okay, but just drink a small cup. If you have any discomfort, stop immediately." ”

I’m so busy, nodding, “Fast! Fast! What the wine is, why don’t I smell any wine?”

He chuckles and sighs, you will soon smell it, I hope you will live.

With a slight effort on the hand, the lid of the jar was opened.

The lid of this jar was originally the most common clay seal, but I don't know if it had a combination and reaction with the ancient Yun Ling, so it became a material that I have never seen before.

As soon as the lid opened, it was unknown that the whole person was instantly tense, and the pair of ink-black glutinous rice, which seemed to be lazy and calm forever, shriveled for a while, and the body exuded a seemingly innocent killing.

And the whole person is stupid.

The next moment, suddenly squeaking, the original desire of the scorpion disappeared, turned into a giant beast that spit his tongue and kept flowing.

A pair of eyes staring straight at the jar in the hands of the donkey seemed to want to rush forward.

In the surrounding air, slowly spread a long and mellow wine.

This wine is not like ordinary alcohol, but it floats away in the air for a short distance, but drifts away with the breeze slowly and faintly toward the entire hill where they are.

Only this time, I haven't found it yet.

On a hill about a few kilometers from here, a tall man stood up and looked at the direction of Tianji Valley, standing beside him with a round-faced, handsome young boy.

As the fragrance of the wine floated over, the round-faced boy suddenly took a sniff and widened his eyes: "Sacred, do you smell it? What is this taste? How so sweet?"

The tall man turned slowly, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his expression, and then his eyes suddenly looked deep into the forest.

Countless screams of turmoil are waiting to boil as the fragrance spreads.

Is this... wine?

But what kind of wine can have such a mellow aroma? Can there be such a powerful force that triggers the volatility of all things?

The tall man blinked slightly and said: "Let's see it in the past."

"Yes, holy!"

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